【convoy】H4 and B35AM options are updated

5-40-100 would be also great

Are the drivers currently shipping already corrected?

Simon - did you get these SFT-40 5700K's in yet? Soon if not?

Oh, shoot, I missed that 5700s would be coming and just ordered like 8 of the 6500s.

I ordered few about week ago from him.

Can't see them. He's got one SFT40 posting: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002783273284.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.1.165d1599Q5dBxx

I see they are listed as N5-CE-VJ, where the 'CE' is 5700K, but the worse tint bin possible for 5700K - highest above the BBL and coolest ... . We really want the exact opposite corner bin for 5700K: CG. But for output bin, the N5 is higher than listed in the datasheet.

Hhhmmm, not sure I'll go for these. Only couple left in qty 4, 1 in qty 5.

Yes, I noticed they are the worst tint. But I think they are the 5700 ones he was referring to. I’m happy to be proven wrong.

Yea, won't really know til we see it. Theoretically leaning towards green. Ohh - was looking at the SST-40 datasheet but see the N5 bin is listed for the SFT-40, and the tint binning is the same.

Did I miss the boat on these? The mobile site is all I have access to right now, looks sold out

Couple sets left a couple hours ago, looks all gone now.

Can we have M21A with XHP70.2?

You can get the M21A host, the 20mm 6v driver and a XHP70.2 and do it yourself but the better driver for the 70 is the 22mm 6v driver. The lower amperage of the 20mm driver doesnt really take full advantage of the 70.

Here’s my awesome comparison of the L21B / C8+ PM1 vs SFT40

Hello Simon,

Can we have group with: 1% - 3% - 10% - 35% - 100? I feel like sometimes 1 is not enough and 10% is too much. 3% mode in between would be perfect.
Maybe 1% as moonlight/firefly mode and 3–10–35–100 as low/medium1/medium2/high?

Also, would it be very difficult and/or expensive to create driver where users can program their own groups? For example bluetooth connectivity and smartphone app or usb cable and PC/web app? I’m curious.


Doubt anyone has implemented firmware for that, not even Toy Keeper who wrote Anduril.

I guess he could do something using the existing ramping driver firmware that allows the user to set the brightness for levels 1 & 2

lucidrv2 firmware on H17fx driver allows you to program any mode order and number you want. It’s all done on the light though, not via Bluetooth or anything. Bluetooth in a flashlight just seems excessive to me. But, having flashing pads for custom firmwares on Simon’s lights would be a welcome change.

great video! what 8a driver are you using in the c8+? I thought the convoy ramping driver maxed out at 6a.

Perhaps completely irrelevant to this forum and this thread, but LUX-RC created a programmable driver using a very clever optical system with a light sensor on the driver, one would configure the modes and other settings on their website which then will generate a series of strobes and you would place the flashlight against your monitor receiving the flash signals, similar to how IR remotes works. To me this is much more robust than bluetooth and truly universally compatible, no need to write a separate app for it and hoping for device compatibility.

A true masterpiece of the flashlight hobby at a ridiculous price range that is inaccessible for most.

For a decade I hoped to finally be able to justify paying and waiting for one of their lights but now I have just given up. It’s simply out of my reach.

Uhh, yeah, we know about the LUX-RC tech. A LED is a diode and it can "read" light as well as output it. Some ATTiny85 drivers even wired in the input on pin #7 but never ended up using it. A design EE I worked with suggested it and I told TK and she dabbled with it for a while, but not sure how much success, but then at the time, there wasn't much code space available in the 85 MCU. Pretty cool because no additional sensors are needed.

I just gonna leave this here…