** BLF LT1M-Mini Project - The little Lantern! ( PM's sent today June 21, 2022)**

Any update on the prototypes shows a few pages back?

Sofirn needs to do some redesign work and mentioned end of November to have the prototypes done.

For the planned possible LT2 larger (four 21700) Deluxe model a third Red light channel is planned.

Marvelous - here I am, happily thinking “all finished, once these 5 LT1Ms are manufacturered/delivered and that DM11” and someone casually mentions an LT2 and a third channel! :wink:

Additions to the interest list since post number 1271

Post# / Added / User Name
1273 / 11/10/2021 / Ilikebiglightsandicannotlie
1273 / 11/10/2021 / Ilikebiglightsandicannotlie
1277 / 11/10/2021 / Kysumi
1277 / 11/10/2021 / Kysumi
1279 / 11/10/2021 / darosk
1280 / 11/11/2021 / noob

What about just using a red filter? Fashion a canted filter to match the slope of the LT1 translucent lens, then put on the inside…


If bugs are the only reason, amber is a much better choice than red since bugs that are attracted to like are attracted to the blue/violet/UV end of the spectrum.

As far as red and “night vision”, well that’s a whole ’nother debate/can of worms I’d rather not have opened in this thread lol.

Additions to the interest list since post number 1271

Post# / Added / User Name
1287 / 11/24/2021 / viper1138

Saw this in aliexpress via Lumeniac’s post. Is this different from the LT1 Mini? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003601508703.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.3.2ced3bb4oBjVy8

Good question.

Yes, the design is different!

Yeah the design was obvious but the specs does say 1x21700 though I can’t figure out where the 21700 goes. Oh well more lantern choices I guess.

It is too short to be the same. Also if you look at the 4th image on AE there appears to be a usb port and the switch button located in the upper surface. The description mentions 21700 battery. I believe there might be one cell placedflat, or horizontal in a very short base section that a modified LT1 head is fastened to
Very interesting

lightened up the mid-range of the image

Looks like a LT1 without the body.

Reminds me of the Zanflare T1 and similar lanterns. Battery and internals are all inside in the center. Very interesting.

Interesting, but its not the LT1M (Mini) its likely a lower run-time/dimmer, single-cell variation of the full size LT1 they decided to build on their own, its looks different other than the head “shape” but using a single cell in a center tube. The LT1M is to be much smaller, slimmer, more compact (better suited for backpackers, canoeists, etc.) using the same single 21700 cell, but able to fit in a pocket and not much larger than the IF25 body its to be based from.

Interested in 1, please. :slight_smile:

What happened to prototypes, will there be pictures for Christmas presents? :smiley: