FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX® MF01X 18*SFQ43 LEDs 21000lm 3*21700 USB-C Flashlight Group Buy - ALIVE frm $105

I like it.


Strange design :neutral_face:

on the picture have seen 3 series of 5 cells separated between it.

The goal is to draw air through the hole by ” different pressure” in the 5 cells?

This cannot work in the opposite direction if the 3 series are not connect and open at the end, brief classic heat sink…
And this design would only work statically.

how active cooling, where is the fan in such small light ? will probably be cool… still have my original mf01… a good light even today :s


I dont understand you, this flashlight is pasive cooling, don´t have fan inside.

Visibly passive cooling

The reason of my previous message
Create air circulation “otherwise”
To give you an idea it is the same principle as the air circulation in a fireplace O_o

My expression is not good, it’s not really overpressure , i don’t have the english word, but it’s same effect in a fireplace , the heat create by the burn of wood in fireplace create physic effect to that draws air to the outside of the fireplace.
My suggest to this light is the heat generated ,by the light when functioning, in this closed area draw air by the hole to make a air flow inside.

technically it’s passive cooling
Active cooling includes interaction with another energy source (fan aspire or breath air) air flow is create by “external element”

I in this case the the air flow is create by the light itself with his own heat generation.
But this effect only work in static environment.

It does not make sense to close the coolling fine by compartiments on passive cooling



By difference in air density
Hot air have not same density of cold air.
the system always tends to be balanced, so that can creat an aspiration by the hole and make little air flow.

It’s the only plausible explanation I can find for passive cooling.
Otherwise their design is just sucks
Thermals design of MF01 ans 01S is good I hope it’s just prototype and that it is not amused re-invented the wheel :stuck_out_tongue:




Looks awesome.

Hi, Interested


Once issue with the MF01S is it’s inability to sustain a decent output without getting too hot. My MF01 219C does a much better job than the 4000K SST20. I hope these new emitters are more efficient.

The prototypes look interesting but I think many of us would prioritize function over form on this. If deep traditional heatsink fins would allow better thermal performance, I would rather have that, especially in a light of this size.

I’ve little bit enhance pics:


the 3 “ducts” seems well closed and not related to each other


Interested... should have arctic white color
