Favourite S2+ colour?

I’d have to say orange myself :stuck_out_tongue:

None of mine were on the list.

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I voted green, but that blue is almost as nice!

I gave my gal the violet and I have a grey S2 and a green and blue S2+.

I want the teal and a violet for me, but that ship has sailed.


Was never a fan of green-green like that, but got one and was EDCing it for a while, and grew to like it quite a bit.

It's kinda funny.

I like green or blue flashlight bodies, but I don't like green or blue tints.

No colours anymore, I want them to turn Black :stuck_out_tongue:

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The silver one. It looks almost like a jewel, so shiny!

Only black flashlights

Nice picture and collection of S2+s Azirine!

For me, it’s hard to pick a favorite color since they all look so nice. But if I could only have 1, it would be black. And if I could only have 2, it would be black and some other color. And so on. I try not to have any of the same model and color flashlight. I even baked a black S2+ to make it brown in order to have a different color.

I prefer rubber (silicone) switches so I have less colors to choose from.

Here’s my collection so far, minus the baked brown one that I’m still working on:

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I like the cyan color. A cyan S2+ triple SST20 4000K is my most used flashlight around the house.

I like the green of the S21A

It's the best green I've seen .

Worth buying the light for

Way better than the S2+ colors .

My green S21A host should be coming any day now. Now I can hardly wait!

Of the colors I own (green, blue, orange), I like orange the best. If I get any more, it would probably be to start an RGBA collection, so I would probably buy other colors to shift the guts of my current lights into, but I’m generally resisting the temptation to do that.

I’m still hoping Simon will some day figure out how to make the color scheme that Toykeeper mocked up a long time ago:

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This flashlight i would have to buy.

They are all very pretty, but the blue is the one I like the most.

The green S21A is awesome!

I do truly like the green
it's the best green ever seen
one I'd use while on a bus
drinking with a friend named gus
i haven't used it in a car
or carried it really all that far
but if neutral fan say's it's really good
I'd go and buy one if you could
I do not like green eggs and ham
but green 21A lights .. oh yes ma'am

i have a blue too so we share the same taste then xd.

I might like to see yellow as a Convoy color option.
Edit:How hot does an S2+ get at 2.75A? Comparing an anodised Convoy S2+ with a fluorescent yellow powdercoated Convoy S2+