YouTube Videos

well, since it is in Brazil,
that would be Kilometers
per Kindling.

When Live TV Goes Wrong (Some NSFW)

…I especially liked the segment “Things you can say to your dog, but not your girlfriend”, but I always loved Whos line…

Gotta love the entertainment value of a VR freakout. :smiley:

Great stop motion CGI (2014). I wonder if they used studio takes as seed material to build on. Stitching scenes together.
Anyways, I’d like to find a ‘behind the scenes’ video.

Carpenters didn’t look like this when I was working


how to drive around Land Mines.

Takes guts. Are they booby-trapped? Like lifting them would go Kaboom?

She a big girl. She a bodybuilder-type or something?

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superbird!

Something different… The Big Clive and cohorts eat vomit-inducing fermented fish.

Holy Crap…

Ain’t familiar with the piece, was thinking it sounded kinda Zimmer-ish, and yeah, it was.

She played it to perfection.

This one is cool.
Never knew there were so many tall ships in Amsterdam
All the Best,

Isn’t that a yearly(?) festival where tall ships from many nationalities visit some port, sorta like some antique car shows?

A few decades ago they came to my city. Many people with their crafts would ride alongside. Was quite a sight and the crowds in the port, overwhelming.

That makes sense. Surprised at the number of older looking tall ships. Really nifty.

Can’t really grasp spending years aboard something smaller heading off to parts unknown.
In Scott’s hut in Antarctica, just down the path a bit from the American base at McMurdo,

There are still cans on the wall marked:
“Eatable Tallow Candles”
If it’s dark, ya’ burn ’em. If you’re hungry ’ya eat ’em.
Still a few dead seals stacked in the corner. Freeze dried by now.
They were made of tougher stuff than I.
The men - not the seals….

All the Best,

A 5-year event (Sail Amsterdam ).

Ours was a more modest showing of 38 ships, and back in ’84.


Cast Iron pan restoration. They are using freaking laser beams to remove the rust. :smiley:

That was really cool to watch.

I almost yelled at the screen when he left all the laser-marks in/on the pan before just continuing on like nothing.

I restored a coupla cast-Fe pans (still using the small one for eggs practically every time I make ’em), and while they weren’t so far gone, you don’t just leave ’em like that.

Wire-brush to get off the main grunge. Steel wool to grind it away ’til shiny and smooth. Wipe down, wash, wash again, scour, rinse’n’repeat ’til it’s perfect. Then season it.