Sofirn SC21 mini

Ah, so this is where folks are discussing the SC21 Pro. I had a similar experience: Two SC21 Pro’s arrived with slightly different out-of-the-box configs (one with stepped ramping, and one with smooth). They are both 5000K, but one is consistently 200-300K lower than the other (different bins, I guess). Both came with Anduril 2 manuals, but they are definitely running Anduril 1. Both bezels glued, but a couple of strap wrenches made quick work of that.

So has anyone torn down an SC21 yet? How do you get the driver out, and what MCU does it use?

Might be better to have a separate thread for the pro version. Maybe an admin can split this topic into 2 at few posts back and create a new pro specific thread?

Interesting that you’re reporting the same settings and emitter difference. I can imagine they switch to a new reel/bin once, but twice in a very short period of time… unlikely. Mine seem to have a slightly different tint, but haven’t done any proper comparisons due to having too much to do already. In any case it’s curious.

Btw, a word of caution. These suffer from the same charge problem as the HS10. After the runtime test I put it on the charger and saw it charges at just under 950mA. Sofirn rates their batteries at 750mA max. May or may not be an actual issue, but it is ~25% over their own specified limit.

Current measurement: just under 3,5A on turbo with included Sofirn battery @4,18V

Just an observation, the SC10 Pro button indicator light changes brightness, when the light is ON above 75 Lumens:

I donk know if there is a meaning to that change in button output.

One thing Im really happy about, is there are NO double blinks anywhere in the ramp on the SC21 Pro…

about charging, it works great!
The charging rate tapers down as voltage rises:

and the green charged indicator lights up reliably, above 4.1v, and charging stops:

pocket clip works great too!
I put some shrink tubing on the ears, and it goes on without damage, and holds nice and tight… the clip is a nice deep carry configuration… I like it!

Awesome idea with the shrink tubing. I’ll have to try that. Was 0.8A the highest charge voltage that you observed?

Both of mine are confirmed to be running Anduril 1, and I am able to cycle the button LED between low, high, off, and blinking.

Has anyone contacted sofirn to see if sofirn will reflash existing lights to anduril 2?

Description specifically says anduril 2. Maybe no compatible firmware hence anduril 1? Was planning on ordering with sp10 pro when sp10 pro in stock but now I’m hesitant

I have not contacted Sofirn about it. I was actually hoping that someone here would figure out how to flash it, and then I would do the same. :slight_smile:

For the benefit of others I would emailed sofirn. It’s false advertising. Of course I doubt it’s malicious, knowing sofirn it’s probably a case of copy-pasting and not proofreading.

At the very least it would encourage them to update their stock descriptions.

Sofirn is opening themselves up easily for disputes if buyers wish to do so. I have not purchased so I cannot email. Otherwise if I owned one I would.

I don’t want to open any dispute asking for a replacement/refund because I don’t want them to lose the money. An exchange is fine but I don’t know how they are going to work it out.

Hank solved the Muggle-Mode bug issue by creating a flashing tool and selling it to existing customers of the D4V2 at self-cost. I’d welcome that also for solving the SP10 Pro firmware bug (though I personally don’t mind and have not openend a case with Sofirn, but am rather grateful they produced it).

Looks like Sofirn removed Anduril from the item description.

Changed to anduril 1 on their website now

And to be fair:

While Anduril 2 is better, Anduril 1 is still quite good. Finding either Anduril 1 or 2 on a low-cost budget light is impressive… and probably a far better UI than what most budget lights come with.

Cracked open my SC21 Pro to do an emitter swap and removed the driver. It’s also glued, but a short time with a heat gun made short work of it.

It’s running what looks like an ATTiny1616, and comparing the flashing pads and where the pinouts from the controller connects, this is what the pinout looks like as far as I can tell:

2 - GND
6 - VCC
4 - PA2
3 - PA1

Thanks for sharing that! Pin 1 says UPDI, so probably the same way of flashing as the SP10 Pro.

Now that’s interesting! I had heard that they were planning on using the attiny1616 for the SC21 Pro, but then Barry seemed to go quiet so I never ended up hearing for sure. Did you / could you grab pics of the driver? I can’t believe they didn’t use the same flashing pad layout that I had provided. At least there are pads, I suppose. I can always rig something up if I need to for flashing.

But which firmware? Some say Anduril 1, some say 2. I doubt that they created their own ATtiny1616 Anduril 1 port. Maybe two different drivers from different batches?

Since the SC21 Pro ship w Anduril 1, it would be great if it could be reflashed to Anduril 2.

This was the best I got at the time, just taken with a phone. The “1616” can be barely made out, it’s a 20pin SOC and looks to be the appropriate size just by eyeballing it.

Also interestingly, the driver was keyed to the head so it wouldn’t rotate if it became loose and muck with the USB port position. Not sure if this is a standard thing with Sofirn on-board rechargeable lights.