[BLF Group Buy Interest List] Sofirn SP33S High CRI Edition: the GT-FC60 R9080 saga! (Brightness numbers are in!))

Interested in this LED for sure… Hopefully soon, more details about the light will be out since Sofirn is on the move…

If we could get the firmware/controller chip swapped out for an Anduril one we would have much better thermal management, it would be nice if that could be done too.

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Interested but not 100% convinced, probably intrigued enough to gamble on it though.





Also interested

very interested.

anduril 2 please.

I’m interested as well if this can happen.

Seems very interesting but I would have liked an host that uses 21700. I know I can use a 21700 with a sleeve but it’s still too big for EDC’ing.



Yes Please!

You’ve all been added.

Now let’s address some concerns:

- Why not Anduril 2 for this light?

Well for one, Anduril is a nice UI, but even in its simple mode, it can be daunting to use.
Practicality wise, this would require a driver redesign, and we mainly wanted it to be a direct LED swap for now as to make it as simple as just swapping the LED :slight_smile:

This was done specifically as ground zero for this new LED, and making it an inexpensive investment in a light that is already quite good overall.
If the light is very popular with the LED, I might consider asking Sofirn to put Anduril 2 on the light.

- Why not a 21700 light instead of 26650?

Believe me, I’d have preferred a 21700 light myself, but since the other light with a capable boost driver uses a 5050 LED, that makes the swap to a 7070 LED a bit more difficult.

Now, the Sofirn C8L is the next candidate for such a swap, but that’ll come later since it would need a reflector swap :slight_smile:

I was actually thinking of this host to put the FC60 sample in, and making a QFN16-T1616 to TSSOP14-PIC16F1856 adapter to convert the driver to anduril, might be possible but it depends on the layout of the ot MCU. Indeed it would be nice if Sofirn could made an Anduril edition, especially since the thermal regulation appears to be wonky on this model.
Edit :

(Picture courtesy of Haukkeli)

There shouldn’t be many changes needed for Sofirn to make it anduril compatible (T1616), lots of space for a different trace layout on the daughter board, then it would just need an additional connection to the main board for the programing pad.

I came here to say exactly this. I’m interested if it has Anduril 2. An optional 26800 extension and some flashing pads in Hank’s or Lexel’s layout would be excellent as well, but not deal breakers.

Fine, you guys are convincing.

I’ll try and get Anduril 2 based on your advice :smiley:

@thefreeman, you’ll also have to do some driver resistor modifications though, since the FC60 samples could only be made in 12V because of low qty sample manufacturing as noted in the thread.

Check my edit.

Attiny 1 series (e.g T1616) is the way forward, here especially since the MCU is on a daughter board it would need 4 additional connections with e.g. a T1634 instead of just 1 with a T1616 for the flashing pads.

Sofirn already have some experience with the T1616 with the new SP10S Pro.

Ah… I forgot about that :weary:
