** BLF LT1M-Mini Project - The little Lantern! ( PM's sent today June 21, 2022)**

Lost my intress

cause I use the Zanflare

Regards Xandre

Order placed aprox 430 left.

I bought a “pre-order” one I’m presuming these are the same, unlike my LT1, this one didn’t have “BLF” on it anywhere, I was presuming that the final version, the one that’s now available, would also have BLF on, but looking at the pictures, it doesn’t appear to.
Anyway, I was really impressed with my pre-order LT mini it lived up to all my expectations, basically a very portable, lightweight version of the original. Full brightness is excellent, batteries last a really good length of time plus it’s easy to carry a spare. I got mine for camping, mainly, and it is excellent I can leave my smelly, leaking paraffin lamp at home now, but still have the romance of that flickering flame! My only real complaint is it’s narrow base which makes it rather unstable, especially when camping, it would be nice to have some sort of lightweight tripod system for it to sit in, but that’s minor. Nope, I really do like it, so much, I bought another one, it would be rude not to with a 25% discount! :smiley:

I’ve finished my full review but I’m waiting to post it until the light is available to the general public, per Sofirn’s request. My impression is it’s awesome. It’s my favorite LT1 yet.

Iomes with Anduril 2 but not the latest build so it is missing instant switching functionality. I believe it’s the same firmware that comes on the full size LT1 and I verified with Barry it’s using a 7135 based driver so updates should be easy if you pull the driver or make a flashing adapter. The flashing pads are wonky and do not fit any existing layout, which is a shame.

The size is excellent. It’s around half the weight of LT1S but with the same size battery. My sample’s 5000mah 21700 measured in at 5700mah which is awesome. Charging in and out works great. They re-used the awesome rubber flap from LT1.

It needs a magnetic tailcap. I added a magnet to mine and it’s a significant improvement. Now I can stick it to things and it won’t get knocked over by accident. It’s stable enough for most situations but if it gets tapped it’ll fall over without a magnet.

The diffusers unscrews easily and allows you to use it as a tint ramping mule. The board sits on a shelf just like any other flashlight so emitter reflows should be pretty easy. I may try and put some dedomed 519A 2700K’s in line for a more candle-like warmth.

Overall excellent and I highly recommend it.

I paid my order and the sofirn site is saying that the product is still in my basket……Paypal has already charged me.

edit: order is now pending.
edit2: I might have the $10 for delivery issue also….

Hi Barry, left you a PM. Apparently Sofirn charges me 10 for delivery.

A huge “Thank You” to DBSAR, SIGShooter, Sofirn, Barry, & and anyone else who had anything to do with this project!!

Well done!!! :+1:

Orders placed…… :wink:

Sofirn cancelled my order… That kind of sucks…. wow

edit: new order charging me $10 for shipping…waiting to resolve this issue

Do you live in some out of the way place??

Order placed. Thank you Guys for making this Possible :slight_smile:


With the base being flat, how did you fix the magnet, any chance of some pics, did you drill a hole in the base, what magnet? Would like to do similar to mine. :smiley:

I want to mod mine like this, too!

WOW… Looks like an Island aparadise!!! Out of the way & remote…. :+1:

Maybe that is why it cancelled… logistic problems???

No color choices yet ???

Thanks :smiley: It’s not too bad to live there :stuck_out_tongue: There are regular shipping to and from Mauritius but yeah some sellers do charge a price for shipping.

Unfortunately, I’ll have to pass the lantern for now. Our currency took a 42% depreciation against the Dollar and shipping is making the deal not that appealing. Pros and cons I guess!

Sure thing, it sounds great to me after reading about it. :sunglasses:
That is a real hit your currency took. :open_mouth:
But you’re right… Pros & Cons. Hopefully you can get one in the near future.
Best regards….

I used a Nite Ize Steelie Tablet magnet I had lying around. It has sticky foam tape on the back. They are discontinued now.

If I were to buy a magnet specifically to use on LT1 Mini, I would choose this one and stick it to the bottom of the tailcap with some double sided foam tape. That would certainly work.

It also MIGHT be possible to glue one of these inside the tailcap underneath the spring. I’m not certain it would be strong enough, but it may be worth a shot.

Thanks for the magnet info! I just ordered my two minis (a lower case m seems appropriate). I live in the boonies, without the best internet. So, what kind of foam tape do you recommend, and where might I be able to get it (I’m in the Bigfoot Country of Northern California)?

Happy camping,

AFAIK they’re all kind of the same. “3M VHB” is the big brand name kind. I bought a generic roll of the same looking stuff at my local Walmart last year. Before that I had a roll from Gorilla that was exactly the same thing.