False Sayings

My mom was wrong too. I’m still not blind.


“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Now where’s the fun in that?

That which does not destroy makes you stronger.
Yeah, Right, clearly said by someone who has not been destroyed - never to fully recover…

Violence never solved anything.
Other than stopping countless wars of aggression, madmen determined to do mayhem or genocide…

If you don’t eat your vegetables, you won’t grow up big and strong.
I didn’t - and at 6’3” there’s no telling how big I could have gotten.

Same with - Don’t drink coffie as a child - it will stunt your growth…
Did that too - I could have been another Shak.

All the Best,

Oh and I’m not blind - yet…

It is not you, it is me...

If you have nothing to hide, you have noting to fear,...

Classic. Good one.

Make that 3!(or 4 actually, missed you, Jeff) :stuck_out_tongue: LOL!

Money can’t buy Happiness.
No, it can’t. The “Happiness” is not for sale.
But with enough $$ I can buy a 130’ yacht named “The Next Best Thing”
And pull up and anchor right next to “Happiness” in Monaco.
I’ll hardly notice the difference….

Forgot who said it but:
“Ive been rich and I’ve been poor.”
“Rich is better”

All the Best,

“Everything happens for a reason.”
Usually because someone !@#$ up.

Live every day like it’s your last.
Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today
Tell that to the windows and offspring you leave penny-less.

Whoever said:
Honesty is the best policy
Has clearly never been asked the question:
“Does this dress make me look fat?”

All the Best,

3 things:

1. regarding jeff51 above….maybe “tell the truth and run” (Slavic?) is appropriate.

2. look before you leap/he who hesitates is lost…and other contradictions.

3. my choice for the #1 False Sayings: the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
(nope. it gets replaced)

“I use to have herpes”

“I’m not too drunk to drive.”

No excuse for this these days with rideshares, free taxis, designated drivers, etc. Seems my kids take this pretty seriously, but it was different with past generations.

“You get what you pay for”

Because the more expensive option is always better, right?

Doesn’t quite fit around these parts, does it?

Yeah, I've always hated that saying.

When I was in high school, I had a Business teacher that recommended Consumer Reports.

I subscribed to the magazine and found out there are plenty of high-quality low-price items out there in the world.

You do have to do your research, though, to find the best deals.

It will only sting a little.

And a favorite of my dads when trying to get me to eat everything on my plate or some obnoxious food like substance…

People overseas would give their right arm to eat that.

Didn’t believe it when I was 7, still don’t today.

If you try work or try hard enough, you can do (or be) anything you want…
Ok, so if I practice hard enough and try really hard - I can beat Tiger at golf?

All the Best,

Trust me…

Jeff51 for the win. Pardon my spelling but my eyesight……

“Anduril is a good Ui.”

:+1: Well done.