False Sayings

It will only sting a little.

And a favorite of my dads when trying to get me to eat everything on my plate or some obnoxious food like substance…

People overseas would give their right arm to eat that.

Didn’t believe it when I was 7, still don’t today.

If you try work or try hard enough, you can do (or be) anything you want…
Ok, so if I practice hard enough and try really hard - I can beat Tiger at golf?

All the Best,

Trust me…

Jeff51 for the win. Pardon my spelling but my eyesight……

“Anduril is a good Ui.”

:+1: Well done.

I’m from the government, I’m here to help you.

“All you need is love”

Food, water, shelter, come to mind…
All the Best,

What does not kill me makes me stronger.

it could blind you
and several other
results other than
death which have
the potential of
not adding to

Violence is never the answer

While this may be true sometimes you have to hope the other person has the wisdom to learn from your mistake.

You can catch the most [flies] with a dead squirrel. — Woody Boyd

Oh, of course someone got a clip on the yoo toob…

“Stop that or you’ll go blind!”

“I’m over here, dad.”

“Be honest with me… I can take it.”

Okay, this one might be controversial.

If people don't like this one, I'll delete it.


“We did not invade Ukraine” and there is “no war” there.

The check’s in the mail.

“Hold my beer. I got this….”

“BudgetLightForum will save you money” :smiley: :money_mouth_face:

(Looks at empty wallet…)

Me thinks the correct phrase is: on BudgetLightForum your pockets seem deeper.

All this “height” talk is FKN gold. :+1:

“What incorrect things were you taught?”
You asked………

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug, UFOs don’t exit and god does………… :beer: :beer:

1st hand experience and objective thinking.

Btw……. does anyone know what this hair on my palm means?? :person_facepalming:

Gold is a hedge against inflation.

Bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.