【 Wurkkos TS11 New Color -Orange available】"Johnny Mac"-A new member in Wurkkos Auxiliary Series

Take my Money!


Wow! Looks nice!

How about the calling it the TS11?

Looks like a nice little thrower!

It looks nice, it has USB C under rubber cover (saw some schematics of it, where the USB rubber cover could be seen)?
What type of driver are you using with it?

WOnderful design!!

Please add a lighted switch! Maybe like FC13.

Interested! Any chance for a lighted button?
also option to add 18650 tube?

Ts11, the long awaited.

If it’s another FET driver i’m not interested.

FC= 18mm battery general purpose series?
TS= Other sizes/specialty series?
& It’s a thrower with roughly 60% throw of the ts30s and coincidentally roughly 50% more throw than the FC12.

If id toss those in a name generator id get the TC18

Edit: TS18 wouldve been my second guess lol
Also, using this post as my GAW entry. Hoping to gift it to a friend since i just ordered one lol.

Giveaway link of TS11 on FB—https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=825071531806677&set=a.755239082123256

It will release on 24th,Nov, the Black Friday of Wurkkos website, aliexpress as well as shoppee and lazada in Southeast Asia, at deal price $26.99

That’s exactly what it is, FET+1. Way too many FET driver based lights on the market recently. I would happily pay a bit more for a regulated buck driver.

The TS11 looks great though, this is what Sofirn should have done for the IF19.

hm, update for a regulated buck driver is a hard work for us now basic on Anduril, i will feedback to our engineer and trying in future design

Giveaway is simple, leave comment about wurkkos, and we will draw 2 lucky person randomly for 2 pieces TS11 in 2nd, Dec

I’m impressed by the aux series

The majority of my light collection is wurkkos and I always name drop them as recommendations to muggles to get a good light at a nice price.

This looks like a promising light! Will it be compatible with the 18650 tubes of any existing lights?

I do enjoy this trend of Wurkkos offering increasingly flashy lights while still firmly at a budget price point.

Nice looking light.

Go Wurkkos

Looks good!

Great looking little light. I'd agree an 18650 tube would be a nice addition. This is my kind of light, not too small but has a larger head so it comfortably rests face down just waiting for dark.

Thanks, Wurkkos for a nice holiday Giveaway!