Gangnam Style

I have read something about it in the newspapers here and there (gangnam style) but it totally went around me, this is first time I bothered to see some video. I dont follow trends :smiley: (I make them, haha :smiley: )

But I like the fact that Korean pop-scene is so succesful in the world. That will happen (not only in pop-culture) more and more with other Asian countries too

I love this song and video. Very catchy and funny!


korean are the most self centered and racist of all asian, probably one notch above the caste system Indians. I know cuz I’m asian and my korean fanatic sister admits it too!

Interesting video, in an area a block from my office, Besides that the only comment
is please keep ” the boss” out of this. Gratitude
I’ll climb back into my box seats now…

I wonder whats the percentage of marketing in this phenomenon. Maybe not big, but who knows.

PSY has made his second appearance on Ellen to perform the song. This song is still riding the gravy train and it ain’t stoppin. It totally makes me curious about the whole viral phenomenon. This song along with other recent korean girl pop groups has put Korea on the map for pop music. Though I wonder how seriously this craze is taken in the west, whether this will die down, or will Korean pop music will be a common genre among music listeners, not just the weird video or song that has a funny dance.

Nice song :laughing:

Not related to this song but if you like that you will like this one too :wink:

especially around the 2 minute mark

Aww shit, the refrain sounds like "Sherry Sherry lady".. whats been heard cant be un-heard. :/

d*mn, that you should have been my contribution to the thread, you beat me to it! to me this looks like a dancing fat squirrel!

with sunglasses wtf lol

I like it more without sound

Since someone likes Asian gals here, this is the same lady who appeared in the Thai parody. Sexy huh? Enjoy!

I only fall for that once!