12x XM-L lights have arrived...

I see some improvements for more XML leds

The buy it now auctions for just the light are posted for $195!

yikes. I’ll wait till a reputable seller gets one.

4sevens have already got an xml-18 out! but a totally different beast! talk about a wall of light. goinggear has it:

on sale from DVOR for $1800 :slight_smile:



but I must point out

i doubt there is a tapioca bubble drink made ANYWHERE that doesn’t have carcinogens in it.

not saying you shouldn’t drink it….since I stuff skoal in my lip pretty regularly….but come on, what do you expect

looks like a couple of hidden mickeys in that head. :bigsmile: why dont they just maintain the 7
or 9 led head and just use u xml u3.


why not stuff the other 6 emitters in the open space, then stick that head on a body like the new blackshadow but w/ 26650s

C’mon they still don’t get this. The numbers of LED doesn’t matter too much, important thing is driving each LED HARD ENOUGH!!

I want my 100 x XM-L showerhead flashlight!

They are more efficient at lower levels.

KD 200w boost driver J)

yes plz.

Why just 200W?
Replace LEDs with 12x SST-90, and use this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251189754668

i like the way you think!

I have a couple of those on order to test with my 15,000+ lumen light (15,000 Lumen Bridgelux C9000 Light Engine). Hopefully they will be here soon…

They do have some limitations, like to get the full 600W out you need 60V in and at least 63V out.

Anywhere available at a real store?

A 9xT6 pulls 6.5A with fresh batteries and the LEDs aren’t driven so hard this is on the max for the 26650.
So I don’t see the reason in making an ugly 12xml version?
Upgrading the LEDs to an u bin or driving them harder would make sense(for us)

Use this as a host for the new MTG2!

Nah, plenty of free space for 6 leds more :bigsmile: :open_mouth:

This comes to mind…

there needs to be a better clone for this …but i am interested in a 12xml just not this one

thats another RIDONKYLOUS shaver ! lol i still use the original one from the 1920s barber shop razor i picked up at garagesale to shave at home, the feeling of the shave is heaps better then any modern crap.