Match's Mods: 6x XML Maglite project

Im still looking at that thinking that the grooves for the fins could and should be much deeper............. hahahah! where do you find such chunks of aluminium?


...where do you find such chunks of aluminium?


At work we use 6"x14"x50foot sections as bus work for carrying large amounts of power to a DC arc furnace. This piece came of the corner of a scrap chunk that was sitting around in mud for the last 6+ years...

As a side note, I just realized that Boaz came close to designing this light for me awhile back in this post .

wait... 135 deg F is not even 60 deg C... How is it possibly soo cool!!! Whats your ambient temp?

My single SST-50 torch from 23 deg C (74F), made it past 57 deg C (135F) in under 14 minutes, and its a well heatsinked head design.. Thats crazy.

Howly mowly, man. What a torch :O Match's Pocket Sun :crown: Hands down 8)

PS: paint it in black to MATCH the body, yeah :p

PS2: you have to create a good 3xAA batt holder, like this one.

You Sir, are a very sick man! Are those ants that I see leaping off that smoldering tree just before the bark ignites? Those poor ants! Yell
Well done Match. I want one! You might want to pull the battery pack out after each use to let it cool down separately of the light. Ive had 3 of my Powergenix AA's leak on me during heavy discharge.

Those tend to have rather high resistance. They're probably not suited to currents of over an amp.

very impressive

Match your nuts.

You will burn the house down


wait... 135 deg F is not even 60 deg C... How is it possibly soo cool!!! Whats your ambient temp?


Couple reasons for this:

-Ambient temp at time of testing was @ 65F.

- Hard to tell from the pics, but the head is really big... so even without deep grooves, there is a lot of surface area.

- All areas of the head are also quite thick, from tip to toe. Combined with being pure aluminum vs an alloy leads it to heat up very evenly

- Plain surface. There's no anodizing or paint to act as a small insulation barrier.

Solarflare model 24.

When you can make a manafont xml look like a wind up crank light or a box if safety matches I'm impressed .not for the faint of heart .. wow ...

Sunspot 24/////six-pack///Matchsterpiece T-24 .


Hey match, I am a machinist and wouldn't mind the dimensions or a drawing of that head for future reference when I decide to tackle a project such as this :)

If this is what happens while puttering around when you happen to have a "box of emitters" I can just imagine what kind of torch you might create when you get serious.

By the way; I like "Big Bugger."


OMG Let there be light!

"The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day', and the darkness he called 'night'. And there was evening, and there was morning, the first day."


(oh, and great pics from the DroidX, didn't know it has such a good camera)

WOW!!! can a light meter measure all that light. when does production begin

The twilight blood sucker is running for their life now


WOW!!! can a light meter measure all that light. when does production begin


Ya...I can't believe I forgot to put that in there. Good catch.

Measured Lux @ 1 meter = 48k lux

This makes it my second best thrower

I've been sick all this week and my computer is broken so this is the first time I've gotten to really look at BLF, and I see this. Absolutely awesome! From the design to your requirements, I'm just completely jealous. Fantastic work.

I'll take one in neutral please. LOL :)

Sorry but what do you mean by second best ... what is your best thrower

Really excellent work , i want your workbench