My first flashlight surgery.. The patient lived!!

Also looks like the dedomed pic was taken from farther away. Congrats.

It does look like that! I’m uncertain as to why… I have it marked off in the yard. Pictures were taken from same distance.

I’m pretty sure it changes the spill after you de-dome it so that’s why it looks different.

Here you are:

*but the difference in distance of these two shots is significant, more than 2m!

He might have zoomed in on the camera in the first “closer” picture

Have been zoomed… But please tell me how you figure 2 meters from the picture? I need to learn this… :slight_smile:

These pictures weren’t posted as distance. The question was about the tint of the light before and after.

Domed looks much better to me, as said it certainly affects the spill, making it much wider and dimmer after de doming, I like the after de doming color better though.

It looks blue with less spill.

I like the color after the de-dome as well. It is throwing out there much better without the dome tho…. :slight_smile:

I think the true throw is hard to see when it is targeted on something close, I notice the building to the right and far back from the garage is only visible in the domed piccie.

Its much easier to tell on the longer shots… ( Although I have yet to master them ) LOL These shots were just checking for tint. It’s very easily discernible when shining the light around.


There we drastical variables in weather as well… It wasn’t as dark when I took the domed picture. It was much later with the de-domed light & was trying to snow. Not to mention it’s my cell phone I am using to take them!! :smiley:

It takes good pictures!! Congrats on your de-dome!!

…and the white balance is “auto”, which means that the camera tries to guess what it should be. If, and when, the camera uses different white balance for these shots, they don’t tell us much.

Which reminds me of the old saying: “A photo lies more than thousand words.” :wink:

Thats interesting… I had no idea…

should do some 100+ yard beamshots. So we folks with X6 can determine if we want to do this or not.

Make your checks or money orders out to Dale c/o BudgetLightForum…. LMAO

You do!! I did it and you can tell a difference!! Here’s 2 pictures at 258 yards.