Wallbuys -Where Is My Order At - Update: Order Received - Missing Laser - Cherry Is Sending Me One

I ordered mostly Fenix stuff, which carries it’s own guarantee.

Again your missing the point.

My package is still in Hong Kong just now getting ready to ship on the 11th of Jan. Now if you call that even semi-good service you might want to do a lot of buisness with folks like them in the future. I won’t. I think their service is horrible.

Finally someone with some commonsense.

I guess I just don’t understand how some of you guys think here. Why support such lousy service? You guys take the cake.

ILF, did you miss the part about the TRACKING NUMBERS are not always right. I have had tracking numbers never show up at all, some will say accepted and never change status even after I have the item in my possession. I agree that if it hasn’t shipped that’s bad, but it may just be a tracking number problem.

How can the quality cheap and fast come together?

I am sure it is not a scam as they are based in hk, whose law is strict.

I’m sure you have ordered stuff from China before right? Why are you freaking out? This is how it works from every China seller.

Just order your stuff and forget about it for 3 weeks. After that, you can start looking for it but there is no point in getting excited about anything.

I just got my first order from Fastech the other day. It almost a month to get one little pocket knife. It’s a slow time for shipping.

Why did you place another order on the second sale when you were not happy about the Xmas sale?

I made a $160 order on their second sale but decided not to go through with it. I said I wouldn’t then I got suckered in by some good prices. I had the email telling me to pay but after all the rubbish that is going on I don’t want to.

They can go blow.

Oh I know it is terrible service and I knew it was a gamble when I made the purchase. Never in 100 years would I have bought from that sale from wallbuys and have expected fastech service. That’d be silly. However yes, 2 weeks to get it out of HK is brutal and frustrating.

Waiting on Gords package from over the big pond. I’ve been in logistics gor 15 years now. It’s amazing to me that things make it state to state , let alone from country to country. Weather, Holidays, Mechanical issues, clerical errors. These all have profound effevts on delivery times. Once it leaves the seller they have no control. I understand the frustration. Being rude to customer service serves no real purpose. Besides pay pal has got your back. No reason to stress about it….

Dale, me and Gary have been watching the postman like a hawk for the last two days, it was seven days yesterday…. This is our feeling :-

Sorry buddy, its on its way though. :bigsmile:

I completely understand… My wife had to stop me from mugging the UPS man.

Sounds like Manafont, when I first ordered my 4 packages “shipped”, but sat in China for almost 2 weeks. I finally contacted them and asked if they were shipped or awaiting shipment. They said awaiting shipment. Makes you wonder.

+1 on the frustration waiting for my goods too.

Normally, I order and (try to) forget, knowing these shipments take weeks. But all the chatter here and my genuine excitement about my new toys has got me checking USPS tracking&confirm daily. It's driving me nuts waiting, but this is the game with budget lights from China. Always has been. Always will be.

Now that my first WB order has finally hit the USPS site, I've selected to be notified by email with updates so I don't have to keep going online.

Nobody supports them, they are just a new company and during their “crazypromotions” they received large number of orders and it is difficult for them to handle it all.

I don’t like their inconsistent customer service too but please let’s be honest this was an unmatched promotion, no company - store ever did something like “50% off”. I have never seen such a thing! (I think they sold at loss)

So I will just wait with patience as they said in the forum many times…

I didn’t place another order? Where do you come up with that idea?

They couldn’t give stuff away to me for me to place an order again with them.

My last three orders from FourSevens each took three weeks from Atlanta to Alberta, despite being shipped literally within hours of my orders being placed. In fact one order from I-O in China, placed at the same time, actually beat the FourSevens order by a couple of days. A battery order from a well known banner advertiser here was 28 days until it was shipped (according to the post mark), and 42 days total until arriving here. The difference is, I-O is a stocking dealer while the battery order was from a drop shipper. I no longer order from drop shippers if I catch on that that’s what they are.

The Wallbuys stuff may arrive in a month or so, and it may not. If you want extreme ‘cheap’ I think you have to accept corresponding risk and nuisance. I’m betting it shows up after a while. You can’t expect Walmart service at half of Walmart prices. If you look at the bottom of the Wallbuys page, they even offer to set YOU up as a drop/drop shipper, to make the supply chain even longer! Chances are some of the stuff you ordered isn’t even manufactured yet, and it’ll have to pass through half a dozen hands (each making 0.1% profit) before it gets on the road to you.

Walmart is way easier on the blood pressure…… :wink: . Just buy a Maglite, and if it doesn’t work, take it back.

I almost like it when what I ordered takes ages to arrive so I’m surprised when it’s finally there :slight_smile:

I know what you mean, it’s like a gift from your past self. :slight_smile:

I had really great luck on my first Wallbuys order so I’ll be curious how this second one turns out. I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes longer since I ordered more items this time.