TK75 vs BTU Shocker - Let the battle begin! (NEW UPDATE ON POST 125)

“BTU not performing” - you do understand the difference between the two lights is less than 1.6 %? That’s like saying a single xpg cr123 light running at 288otf because your friend has one that does 292otf. Seriously, do you think even name brand ANSI lights don’t vary more than that? I KNOW they do. I’ve tested 50+ lights for a total of perhaps 3-400 lumen tests. Any given light will vary more than that from one test to the next.
The BTU is performing properly. The TK75 is performing properly. Both are dead on for what U2’s should be doing at the amperage they are driven at.

Group Hug!!!

I love group hugs! Everybody take a deep breath and just chill.

and don’t forget… with TK75… you can have extra extension tubes ( up to total 9 but fenix recommend only 2 tubes) for longer running time ( come in handy for search and rescue mission) :slight_smile:

Sorry guys, I’m trying to not get worked up. I started this thread trying to show what both lights can do, good or bad. I feel both have their pluses and minuses. I think anybody with either one in their hand will be very impressed with their performances. I am obvious a BTU fan, and believe me it hurt to post up that the TK75 had the slight edge in peak output. I was trying to be as unbiased as I could. I knew going into this thread the TK75 might pickup more fans. What I didn’t expect to see is people trashing an great performing light like the BTU. Having favorites and opinions is normal human nature. That’s one thing that make forums interesting. But attacking a light, with incorrect accusations, by someone who doesn’t own and has never even seen the light, is just wrong.
Saying the BTU its too heavy, saying it should have 4 batteries, that it should have AR lens, that it’s ugly, or needs a side clicky - those are all good and proper opinions that others have stated. And thats all fine - those are opinions, popular ones at that. But I can say also say the TK75 feels a little flimsy, doesn’t have deep enough reflectors, should throw further, has too low of a high, has weird two button controls, etc. But those are just my opinions.
However falsely staing that the BTU is under performing - that does ruffle my feathers because I know the statement is not true. Does my brothers TK75 have slightly higher output than my BTU - yes. That’s a fact. It’s also a fact that my BTU performance of 2880otf, obtained with 3ea 960otf , 3.8a driven XML U2’s, are well with in the proper output for a normal, decently heatsinked light.
Ok little rant over. Now I’ll group hug (can I step on Dengoh’s toes while doing it though? ). It would make me happier :slight_smile:

Yes that would make for impressive run times to say the least. Only negative there is it would make it pretty big, about like the TK70 or bigger. I would think just taking the TK75 as is, along with spare batteries would be more practical for long journeys with it. You would still get the long base run time with the 4 starting batteries, could swap out fresh runs if the time required it, but it would allow you to keep the light weight and compact size that is one of the TK’s best features. I would hate to carry around a TK70 sized light for hours on end. I say that knowing my similar sized SR90 would get pretty cumbersome too after a bit of time lugging it around.
But irregardless, it’s nice of Fenix to give you that option of battery extensions if so desired.

My brother and I both have slightly different takes and views on these lights like everyone else does but we just agree to disagree. I personally find the ergonomics and looks of the TK75 to be more to my tastes while he prefers those of the BTU. I would not trade my TK75 for his BTU or most any other power light out there. I have been watching the thread on the RC40 with a little interest but personally think that even though it should be a beast it also looks like a beast (kind of homely). I don’t think the BTU is ugly by any means. It is a little big for my personal tastes but I am glad my brother has one so that I can play with it too. Even thought I like my Tk75 better I challenge anyone to pick up a BTU in CW and shine it around a while without getting a big smile on your face. Betcha can’t do it. Lol. :slight_smile:

The RC40 is going to be a heavy flashlight to carry at 3lbs 4oz. That’s even heavier than the TK70. And the price has yet to be seen.

I don’t have a BTU Shocker, nor can I say I really want one. The TK75 does more than I need and it’s a lot smaller and lighter to pack. I also would bet money that the quality edge would go to the TK75 no doubt. The TK75 is just a more practical light.

Great review. I’ve just bought a tk75 and it was a hard choice. I almost bought both as I like them both so much. The tk75 was cheaper and I like the size of the tk75 more than the btu.

They both get great reviews and I’ve decided that if I was to go for something as big and bulky as the btu I’d probably grab a big headed hid. I’ve got a tn31n for throw so at the moment I have no real need for much else.

Well hopefully next week or two we can do some head to head beamshots. Maybe by then rdr’s TN31MB will be in and we can do some with it as well. Of course as far as throw goes it will be in a class by itself. The Skyray king is a nice flooder and might be interesting to campare to these other big flooders.

A comparison to the SRK is always a good idea when comparing flooders as it’s such a common torch and most people know by now what they are capable of.


Not even close.

I wonder what warrants the pricing of the BTU except for exclusivity. The performance to TK75 is so close. I have had great CS with Fenix and I believed its a trusted brand.
With their experienced RND and excellent circuit design. I believe the TK75 is the light to go for. Now I need a holster.

rdrfronty, thanks to you for your unbiased test result. We definitely need more people like you who are willing to measure and report.

From reading your lines about testing many other flashlights experiences, just want to know is it your stand is that your BTU is not the best performer among other BTU, while your brother’s TK75 is the best performer among other TK75, this cause your result showing TK75 has equal lumen output with BTU at 30s.
We can’t just ignore the fact BTU is driven 3.8A per led, while TK75 is driven below 3A per led, both are U2, if everything is perfect, BTU should have higher output, right? But nothing is perfect.

One thing to bear in mind is that rdrfronty said near the start of this post that the BTU has a ‘bigger flood’ AND more throw.

If you take into account the extra flood then overall it seem the BTU is performing exactly as it should and not ‘underperforming’ at all

We are talking about total output at 30s here.

We are allowed to drink beer while operating high powered flashlights?

yes, and heavy machinery as well

+1 :smiley: :bigsmile: :wink:

Rick, and when I've had way too much to drink, I like trimming my hedges with my lawn mower