FandyFire HD2010 Now Available at FastTech!

Is the 18650 battery tube glued in or just a tight fit? 18650 and 26650 are the same voltage. The only difference is that everything being on a level playing field a good 26650 battery may be capable off delivering more current than an equal 18650.

If the BLF code is still good (5% off), it’s only $28.61. Mine is on the way on the fast, slow boat from China.

Did anybody notice on Fasttech’s page that this light only draws 800ma on high. Listed in the OUTPUT WARNING above the price. I have a Fandyfire HD2010 from lightscastle and it lists the draw at 2300ma, has a bigger hotspot than the Tangsfire HD2010 but otherwise they look like they were built in the same factory. Maybe they ran out of 2300ma drivers and substituted them with 800ma drivers, I’ve seen this happen many times with other parts.

Damn, I have one arriving in the mail and when I ordered no such warning was posted. I would never have ordered if I knew it only drew 800ma.

The way I keep step’n in it, I gotta buy bigger boots!!! Fricken flashlights! Hey, I ain’t given up. Just ordered the Small Sun ZY-T08! :wink:

Just change the driver.

Yep, fasttech sells the east-092 drivers don’t they?

Just checked WHO sells the East-092 driver. Guess WHO? FastTech!!! Maaaannn, size 20’s ought a do it!!!

Your fast!!

:wink: I file useful facts away…

$28.61 - HD2010,

$3.07 - East-092 driver,

$200.00 - time and labor (this skinflint ain’t cheap),

$9.99 +CRV - beer,

$.10 - electricity for soldering iron

Total - $242.77

Not bad, a $242.77 budget flashlight I can sell over at CPF!!!
Ha! I’m a jeanius!! H) :wink:

Sure it was not just one or a couple with that low output? Could just be a case of bad ground?

I like positive!! I’ll let you guys know what I get. Cheers, gotta go

I think we need more confirmation on what's going on with these lights only pulling 800mA. We need everyone that receives on to test theirs and report back. The ones that only pull 800mA could be random.


I don’t think it is random - they have this posted:

If driver swapping is needed, I may want to change to one with regulation and without blinkies. what other driver works with the hd2010 besides the east092? Will this work?

Good call…. Just checked on the one I ordered… 2300 ma… Whew!

Im sure that is typo, surely tell me that its not true! That would be a horrible injustice.

Not with the stock driver retaining ring. You'd need to use the P60 pill method or something similar. Details on that have been posted.

Those "2300mAh" specs are crap - it's direct drive.


It’s weirdly glued to the pill. So I could screw the pill just by turning the pvc pipe. You can imagine.

Anyway, the warning message of underdriven only came out just a few days ago. And when I ordered the warning wasn’t there. How do I check if mine was a ‘good’ one or a ‘bad’ one?