IS Promotions: Rayus C01 / PT10 Series Intro [8/28]

CREE says April.

Great promotions!

Please direct all specific coupon code questions through PM, our most common coupon codes will be updated in the main post. Thanks!

Just my luck, a coupon after I make a nice big order. I’ll just consider it supporting a great store :bigsmile: . Will be making future orders soon!


Thanks for the SMOKING deal on the EA4 L2.

There has been a considerable amount of interest in the MT-G2. I understand that it is the 6 volt K bin 6000k, that has the most attention for a torch application. Now, being the Pro among us, do you see this LED as a viable candidate for builders, or an OEM torch? (Directed at Craig and Calvin)…?

Thanks for the coupon :slight_smile:
Are you going to stock XP-E2 emitters anytime soon?

craig told me april when i asked him last week

awesome! i got both :slight_smile: looks like i ordered the terminator just in time!

I also need some as well…

Zerbalight has been having massive delays, we recently received a batch of 10 that we're going to ship out in chronological backorder.

We are looking at the available tints and pricing for XP-E2.

[quote=cat eyes]

hey ill supply….
love my new EA4 L2

will you be making these in neutral white….??


Depends on how well the cool white version sells :)

I have access to some 9V binned ones. (C0 voltage bin). These are top bin P0 ones, but I’m wondering if anyone is interested in the higher Vf.
are there any decent boost drivers out on the market?

working on that as we speak :slight_smile:


There is also the Luminus SBT-70, that might be a better candidate for a thrower. Kaidomain has this one, runs on 2 x 32650s.

Luminous LEDs have always been significantly more expensive than their Cree counterparts. (3-4x). I’m not sure the market demand is great enough for them.


WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.

That’s all I’m getting.


Same here. I get a 404 error on any link I click form the main page.

When are the Black Shadow Terminator’s expected to be in stock again?

We’re having website issues, please hold.

5000k :bigsmile:

Do I have to set up an account with them just to find out what the coupon code discount is?