[CLOSED] [GIVEAWAY] Titanium Flashlight!!! ***RdL 1st anniversary***

Feliz aniversario!

Congrats on the milestone!

congrats… and i think i signed up right. i no spekken de espaniol

No hablo enough espanol to figure out how to join. :stuck_out_tongue:

i just clicked and added passwords and clicked some more… hehe S)

Done :slight_smile:

I don’t speak spanish but I think i did it right… members went to 71 from 70 after i logged in lol

Thank you guys :beer:

Good luck!

Buen trabajo, hombre :smiley: Muchas felicidades. Sigue asi :wink: :beer:

Joined. Thank you

Folks, you can use the translator contained in the Google tool bar to see his blog in English. Just tried it and it works great.


You can also try my built in google translate plugin, which is the first left column gadget.

It took me a while, but I think I’m in.

Best wishes!

Good old Google Translate. I'm in.

Thanks for this giveaway, very nice and a very nice blog.

muchas gracias y felicidades por el aniversario! ya estoy siguiéndote

I’am in I think? It did show my name at the top of the page as signed in, so I guess that’s all I have to do.
Very nice light and thanks for the give away. :bigsmile:

signed in. Nice blog, have been watching it a couple of times before .


Que rico es su sitio! Esta bien hecho!!! Y ahora, por encontrarlo, tengo mas que leer de linternas!

Me encantaria tener este linterna. Ojala!!!

I think I just got some message calling me a little retarded.