SOLD: Big price drop! 4Sevens Maelstrom x10 modded to 2.27a XPG-2 51klux pocket thrower!

bump :slight_smile:

She has very nice light body and you really make her into a compact thrower.

thanks :slight_smile:

That is one cool looking light. My favorite form factor too. Unfortunately, I’m banned from any more purchases for little while. Someone is going to get a great deal.

fyi - its up for sale on CPF as well

bump :slight_smile:

I have four lights on the way & you post this. I swear thisis a conspiracy to keep my wallet mt.

you could make it five :stuck_out_tongue:

and you would be supporting another flashaholic to buy more lights haha


ill try and put some up sometime this week

bump :slight_smile:

Wow. Tough sell. I guess everyone stocked up when GoingGear was almost giving them away.

yah - im surprised it didnt sell fast… not even a nibble on cpf lol

dale? scaru? lol.

I think they need a visual. Maybe some outdoor beamshots.

bump! (edit - no beamshots last night… freezing rain all night here)

take $10 off!

$69 shipped USA $79 worldwide!!

How does the reflector meant for an XM-L affect the beam of an XP-G2?

without modification simply put it didnt work… i ended up messing with an xpg2 gasket/xml gasket and had to change the focal point to get it to focus… it was a pain in the arse for sure, but it works fine now - there is one very small ring in the corona, but the hotspot is a ball of fire :slight_smile:

still for sale ;p

$60 sipped conus/ $70 world wide!

need cash for wifes college payment this month :slight_smile: