IS Promotions: Rayus C01 / PT10 Series Intro [8/28]

Don’t hold your breath. They haven’t even updated the page for the S6330 yet, and they’ve had three months to get data from production samples.

I’d really like it if Zebralight would pay more attention to their public interfaces, like their web site and their facebook page. Or, basically, be more like IlluminationSupply (and spend the effort to interact with the community). I wonder if their hermit tendencies are a matter of company priorities or if they’re just understaffed.


I was just over at the other forum, and Craig posted this morning @ 10:00:

About the SC600 Mkii

That's the same as what I posted earlier on Thursday.

[quote=calvinis] For everyone waiting on the SC600MKII, we finally got an update from Zebralight after several emails. They told us that we would be a getting some of our inventory the coming week. Again I apologize for the delay as getting more information from them is like extracting teeth. [/quote]


Ok, thanks. That post on the other forum was from today, so I wasn’t sure if that was new news and which week was the “next” week.

Apologies for any confusion.


[quote=ohaya] Hi, Ok, thanks. That post on the other forum was from today, so I wasn't sure if that was new news and which week was the "next" week. Apologies for any confusion. Jim [/quote]

No problem Jim, I could see why there would be confusion. Sometimes there's a delay in communication between me and Craig and we post at different times.

Hey guys, starting today we will be doing a week long promotion on popular flashlights. For each day starting today, we will be placing a different light on sale with a code that will last a week from the day it is posted. To start off will be the EC25/EC25W with coupon code "EC25" as you know I am not allowed to disclose the percentage or amount of the coupon but I am fairly certain you will be pleased with it. Click here to browse the EC25/EC25W. Feel free to suggest flashlights you are interested in seeing and I'll see what we can do about them. -Calvin

Do you know what the maximum battery length is for the EC25? Wondering if my super long 69.4mm protected panasonic’s would fit?

-Jamie M.

The longest battery I have tested in the EC25 is a Redilast 3400 at around 68.85 mm, with that in mind I am fairly certain there is enough room for a 69.4mm battery.

Nice! Thanks for the super fast reply :smiley:

-Jamie M.


If you’re looking for suggestions, I’ve been wondering if you all will ever have another deal on the X60L3?


We have run out of components for the X60L3 runs faster than we had anticipated. It is possible that a new model will be made available down the line with a cheaper price tag, but ramping up production and design work will take some time.

Wow, very nice price. Tempting…

I’m glad that the product is (apparently) doing well, and hope that it continues to do well so that you all can get to that point!


We have decided to change the promotion to a general Spring Cleaning sale, we're taking suggestions on anything in our store as we do an entire inventory restructure :D

I was checking order status and I noticed this bare led is no longer listed on the site, any reason for that?

Oops, I may have accidentally disabled it when disabling other products we will no longer carry.

Awesome, thought you guys were going to stop selling the bare emitters. Although I have some on backorder, I’ll probably want more in the future for other builds.

Next up on the weeklong sale is the Nitecore I2 and I4 Intellichargers, since there are no MAPs on these we are comfortable announcing that the prices for the i2 will be 10$ + shipping and 15$ + shipping for the I4. Click here to check the two chargers out.

We are also clearancing out our Gen 1 Armytek flashlights with discounts of up to 44% off, view them here.

What no special’s for Taco Tuesday?

wow… that’s mad cheap for the chargers… but unfortunately i already had 3 nitecore chargers… but for that prices? hmm…. J)