IS Promotions: Rayus C01 / PT10 Series Intro [8/28]

I’d really like to get a SRT7 however I just can’t justify paying MAP or MSRP for it :~

The Black SRT7 have arrived! We're shipping out pre-orders today. Also we've decided that if a promotion occurs within a 3 weeks of your order date, we will retroactively refund you the difference :)

Nitecore SRT7 first look. I apologize for the bad audio/noise. First video review, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Awesome video, looks like a great torch

I hope we see a sale on them soon, I wonder why they used a XM-L2 T6 instead of a XM-L2 U2 ?

nice fast video, thanks. (I was lured a few weeks ago into 45 *!* minutes video of a new Fenix while my bad developed attention span is 3 minutes at the most)

Nice, short and to the point mini review!

Any updates on the Gray version, or the Zerbralights?

Tint perhaps

Nice video! Sweet light!

My sales rep for Nitecore told me they will be shipping out the Grey SRT 7 tomorrow. I have yet to receive a ship notice from Zebralight. The only thing from our list of orders that we have received from them recently, are some 18650s :( I believe the ZL 14500s are already on their way.


Tint perhaps


Heh, at this rate I'll see the Nitecore before the zebralight. Hopefully ZL gets their act together.

Yes I know it’s about the tint, but I thought the XM-L2 U2 tint was better, many like EagleTac are using it on their newer lights (XM-L2 U2).

I agree, the short vid is a real blessing and covered most all of the pertinent information in a superb fashion. I cant tell you how frustrating it is to listen to someone yammer on and on about a flashlight for 10-50 minutes. Complex aircraft flight deck introductions are shorter and infinitely more interesting!

On a lighter note, thanks for covering all the important features of an innovative new flashlight. Good job!

Thanks for the encouragement guys, though I think I may have skipped some things and spoke too quickly in some areas.

ZebraLight still hasn't given me a shipping notice which means it's time to email them again about our backordered items. In case people are wondering, we DID pre-order the SC52Ws and our general coupon code will cover it. What I find exciting is that ZebraLight has listed the SC52w as having a XM-L2 Neutral White 4400k!

Will you get the H600W too?

The H600W is also being restocked. Waiting on Zebralight.

The Grey SRT7 will be shipping out on Monday! Since we now have both models in stock, the "SRT7" Promotion code is now active. And for obvious reasons I will not be writing the discount in plain text. If you pre-ordered before this promotion, please email with your order number for a retroactive refund. I apologize for the extra work but it will be the easiest way for us to find your orders.

When you say monday, you mean today right? :D

Yup! In stock and shipping. Nitecore also assures me that no one in China or Hong Kong has these lights available yet. They have NOT sold them to their local market and won't be for a period of time.

In other good news, we got a ship notice from Zebralight, a batch of SC600MKIIs are inbound!