Review: Sunwayman D40A 4xAA XM-L2 Flashlight

Nice review. I like the mode spacing. I don’t know if this is that much better to pay the price premium over the EA4.

Your review is spot on. I just received mine too. Very nice light, this.

Great review Relic38. :wink:
I got one on the way from Wallbuys. Should be here in a day or two. Nice reading while a anxiously await the mailman dropping off a Sunwayman box. How is the throw, Would you classify it as a thrower or more of a good combination of both throw and flood.

IMO, it is worth it. This light best compares to the EA4 L2 which is currently in the same price range.
The three things that make it worth it for me? Moon mode, a better switch, and a decent thermal design.
If you are after a neutral light, the EA4W is the only option right now, short of modding.

Great review Relic38!!!

Waiting for XM-L2 T6 3C :wink:

Already ordered one from doingoutdoor.
Nice review.

Thx for a great review!

Really looking forward to getting mine soon.
Snagged one from WB for less than my EA4! :slight_smile:

Looks like a good light and it makes me wish my EA4W had a moonlight. Thanks for the review!

Thanks for the review, I’d like to see a 8 AA version with the same diamiter head as this 4 AA one.

I like the OP reflector too, I wish more lights would use them.

Very nice at the group buy price.

Great review Relic38, thanks!

Available @fasttech 152.61
Dear MAP, please don’t screw us again.

Very nice and convincing review. I really want this now!

Thats a serious looking price there at FT.... take in account that you can use the BLF code even to get it lower!

about the same price as WB, with their funny hiccup in their system!

You are right, I forgot.
Total price UNDER whatever!!!
I suggest candidate buyers to hurry up.

It would be very wise to delete the price from your post…

And I suggest to you NOT TO ADVERTISE the price… :expressionless:
Btw, nice review relic38:)

Fixed prices!
Peter Griffin rules.

It is really going downhill with me now, just ordered one from fasttech (149 with blf code ;-)), and I have no money for it at all. I need a new coat, but now I have to wear the old worn out one this summer, with my girl complaining on how shabby I look.