IS Promotions: Rayus C01 / PT10 Series Intro [8/28]

EA8 :slight_smile:

Calvin you should change the description of the high cri XML2 as its much dimmer than the other bins maybe 600lumen max instead of 1000lumen…

High CRI XPG2 and XML2 in my shopping cart.

We just received some info on the SRT3 and SRT 5. Both flashlights will contain red+blue LEDs. The SRT3 will be able to take a single (R)CR123 or AA/14500/LifePO4 with an extension tube. The SRT 5 will use 2 x (R)CR123 or 1 x 18650. We're looking at max outputs of 550 and 750 lumens for each respective flashlight.


just commented on your FB post



We're looking for someone to do a test/review of these direct thermal copper XM-L2 U2 1Cs, normally I'd just pick someone but I'm short on time today so either recommend yourself or someone else and convince me of your ability to do a comprehensive and fair overview. Thanks in advance for your help guys!

Me Me!
I recommend Tom E too as we can compare our results.
I already have several of your emitters on copper to compare with. Generally my test results seem to compare to others.

i second relic38

match would be my #1 choice... and myself of course... but if you want some actual results besides "it fit right in to my c108", then id pick match

Holy crap that is sexy.
I recommend Match!

Pre mounted 5c1’s would be awesome too.
Any rumors on u3 bin xml2?

I would have recommended match, but I was under the impression he has ‘retired’ from testing emitters. That status might have changed since his last few posts though.

i had the same thought, though i hope he would be willing to “calibrate” a light for us if someone will pay for it and the shipping

i think he was going on hold until he got new/recalibrated equipment... could have read it wrong also

What are the specs for the star and when are you selling it? I have some 20mm copper stars on order, but I could use more from a vendor that isn't so far away.

Maybe XP-G2 3D on copper next if XP- boards are in the works?
I recommend Tom E and relic38 for testing

Also, when the Nitecore i4 charger comes back in stock, will it be the same price, be the v2, and can I get an eta?