Emergency Situation.

Cyclone C88 (18650, 26650 and 3AA)and an AA light (once i buy one), hopefully a Klarus P1A

Out of my collection, the two collected would be BLF A8 and HD2010. The BLF A8 because I have white and orange wands for it, so it can be used as a lantern or a beacon, and it has a moonlight that makes it a good nightlight. The HD2010 for the reach. The HD2010 will be upgraded when my shipments come in...more lux, lower low. Both lights use 26650's and 18650's, which means I can use most of my battery collection with it.

probably my ea4w and all the AAs in my house and nimh charger, and my blf a8 and all my li-ion and charger.

i probably have a a year+ worth of AAs for my ea4w, as long as i used it responsibly. i have somewhere around 150 alkaleaks, a dozen or so nimh, and probably another dozen lithium primaries... more if i salvaged cells out of other lights/electronics

my two 26650s and dozen 18650s fully charged in my blf a8 would also last quite a long time with out access to charge cells.

i would put the rest in air tight containers with silica packs and bury them out back of my house :P

Dale, you should probably add the pictures of your wife you used to use for avatars to the list of things to take along. I imagine you should take her along as well.

SWM D40A - AA support, moonlight, and all the disco modes
HD2010 with 26650 and 4xAAA adapter, searchlight
3W solar charger w (AC plug too) for the 26650.

+1 you betcha :wink:

what is that, a form of paper currency?

And for all those reasons it's easy to understand why you are excited about the XinTD X3. Other than the size, it'll have all the best of both those lights. It can use all three battery types, plus AAA's with adapters, and has a nice low.

I have one on the way :slight_smile:

how did you pull that off??

and yes, i like big reflectors too

pretty excited to see that light on the marked and price... and its gray, and i got an extra blue boot ta boot

Daddy gotz skilz :bigsmile:

WOW, whats happening in Canada? :open_mouth:

I think if will have any disaster in Brasil, 99,9% of people don’t have any light :smiley: :bigsmile:

Make sure you have as many ways to recharge your batteries as you can. I have the ability to recharge batteries with AC, DC and solar. I believe AA NiMh batteries and lights are the best for emergency situations because they charge much easier than LiOn.
I think you will find that good headlights will become some of your best friends. Zebralight H51 is about perfect because of the many modes and it is capable of running a long time on one single AA battery in the lower modes. Tailstanding lights will also be very useful. Try to use lower modes that don’t throw lots of light but still light up a room enough to do what you need to do. The headlight is then focused on things at hand with brighter light that is needed.

Flooding in Southern Alberta is pretty bad. I’m starting to think a dive light that runs on easy to find cells. Fortunately the dive lights from Flashpilot arrived today :slight_smile:

We had a tornado by Edmonton a little over a week ago.
Towns around Calgary are under water. The river here in Edmonton is projected to raise 3.5 meters in the next 24 hours.

Floods really suck, we are not used to this much water

A bug out bag with 1st aid supplies for my pump I need a monthly supply of alkaline aaa some high calorie/fat food. Also

Ill keep both of you guys in prayer

in emergency situation always pick AA battery flashlight :slight_smile:

My “Go Bag” next to my bed has: AA tank007 566 single mode xpg, cr123a thrunite neutron1c xml, cr123/18650 solarforce L2T with 5mode 4c xml p60, and my XinTD v3 C8…. Some of all the above batteries, plus some AAAs… and other goodies of course.

Why settle for one or two lights?? :slight_smile:

Tank007 is simple, cheap, almost dispoable, possible loaner to less prepared. Neutron has a nice UI in a small package. Could funtion in tactical role indoors. Have rings to mount it on my pistols in the event my primary weapon light fails. L2T has good modes and could be good CQB light. (If I had the chance, I would throw as many of my p60 drop ins in the bag as I could grab!) XinTD could cover moderate searchlight duties, but still pocketable.

Would probably grab my EA4w too. Can never have enough lights! :smiley: Good all purpose light & lantern, good emergency power source, very pocketable.

Ok… I broke the rules… so… If I was traveling ultralight/ultrafast the ea4w + ZL sc80w would probably get grabbed. Sc80 has superlows and takes AA or cr123.