Outdoor Beamshot!!! Relic's DIY Build 2013: Copper Triple-Triple (July 15 Update)

Words fail me.Simply unbelievable. Well done. :beer: :beer:

Dayum…. looks like a production sample!!


Far out Relic! I love it.
Any chance of pix of your wiring sequence. I’m still trying to get my head around series vs parallel.

Thanks everyone. Ouchy, I’ll do a schematic. Technically, these emitters are not in parallel. Each driver drives one LED.

That, I really would like to learn.

You totally rocked that Relic! Polished up it’s brilliant, and I DO love polished copper/brass/stainless/Ti…Ok, I’m a bling freak and that is gorgeous!
The output is crazy too, excellent job inside as well. Wish I understood the electronics…would never have thought you could run 3 boards from another board, Master/Slave with drivers boggles my mind (admittedly easy enough to do)

Very impressive! I bet it’s a solid chunk in the hand as well, I think you should send it on BLF tour, let everybody play with it for a week before sending it on to the next person on the list. :slight_smile:

That is so beautiful. The polished copper A+. The brass bezel ring really sets this light off too. Nice job.

You can get brass lacquer to keep it shiny. That’s why those brass and copper knick knacks in the stores are always so shiny.

Thanks guys. Ouchyfoot, I’ve considered a lacquer but it dissipates heat so horribly as it is, add a layer of ‘insulation’ and I think it would just burn it off :smiley:
The host itself gets heat out of the emitters better than any light I have. Copper all the way. The problem is, it cannot radiate it away due to the shiny finish. I’m thinking it might be a little better once it returns to a natural finish, but I doubt there is enough surface area to dissipate 30W of heat. I might have to customize the driver to make High into a Turbo mode, and add in a longer-term sustainable high.

Darren, Very impressive! You're the man!

Take a wire wheel to it, and give it a brushed finish. That could look rather nice, especially when a patina sets in.

Looks fantastic! Those wall shots certainly "buttery smooth" like you said!


I did the wire wheel first on the body, and liked it, but for the glamour shots I decided to go polished. It gets nice and brassy coloured in about a week.
Edit: silly phone keyboard.

It gets mice brassy colored in only a week! :stuck_out_tongue:

+1 looks amazing!!!

To me, this is so far one of the most desirable builds. Maybe the most desirable build.
Some really great work Relic38!
I applaud you!

btw…mice brassy… :stuck_out_tongue:

We have 2 of those exact same mice! They live on top of the Grandfather/Grandmother clocks my Uncle made years ago.

…hickory dickory dock.

relic38, awesome build!! :bigsmile:

Pure copper goodness . . . if you get a chance, it would be great if you could put together a spec list with dimensions and stuff like a mfgr would do.

Lots of great projects and every one so unique. But for having done very little with metal previous (I’ve never done anything but cut, drill and grind on a couple simple things), this is a great achievement.