Giveaway - Modded FandyFire S3 from LightsCastle - Closed - we have a Winner!

Thanks for the giveaway!


I’m in, thank you OL!!

I´m in :wink: Thanks for your giveaway

I'm in. Thanks, O-L!!

FandyFire S3

Always liked the look of this light .Nicely designed .Whoever fandyfire stole it from should be proud .

Count me in

Nice flashlight!
I am in

Sweet, thanks Justin.

Thanks OL for your generous offers. I’d love to have a piece touched by you.

Sexy, want, thanks!

I’m in :slight_smile:

Pick me and I’ll give it back to you. Sometime. :slight_smile:

Thank you for another great giveaway Justin and LightsCastle.

Thanks for the giveaway I’m in

I am in. Thanks.
And Kudos to your 3600+ posts!

I’m in too.

please add me in

I’m in! Thank you OL :bigsmile:

Im in thanks OL.

Crawling out of the woodwork to try my luck at this.

I'd really like to take this thing apart and see how proper mods are done.