Experience Campaign of Convoy S8 flashlight is over ,quota is full

It’s sorta like the Wallbuys instant-kill sale, except it last a few minutes instead of a second.

And he had more than one or two items…lol.

I had actually just woken up, and was in the bathroom for my morning constitutional, when my phone buzzed with the email. I ran into the bedroom worried I was too late :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ve had a slow day at work today, so i’ve been checking this thread hourly. then i had to actually work some, and now they’re all gone… :_(
well, i don’t need one anyway, but it would have been nice to try a convoy flashlight for that cheap price. well well…

Each customer is limited to one flashlight. ???

I missed it. Checked the list of people who buy it; are they same people?

I got lucky and got in on this one just as it was starting. Can’t wait to checkout this light!

Looks like a couple people bought more than 1.



Each customer is limited to one flashlight
that’s real,somebody just place a repeated order

I see me listed up there twice. I paid full price for one of the orders. Gotta be careful in Aliexpress. You hit buy and your committed. I wish it was more like ebay were you get a chance to confirm or cancel.

And the witch hunt begins! :smiley:

I was too late. :_(

I hope Simon can straighten out those who placed multiple orders so I can have one.

Same here only substitute “sleep” for “work”. I already had plans for that light! :open_mouth:

Simon can't stop people from placing orders. Unless he accidentally granted the discount twice to someone (he has to do it manually each time), those second orders paid full price. It's in his interest to sell to as many separate people as possible. Please don't blame him unless you have real evidence.

It's late over there Simon. Thank you again for the great opportunity.

I sat on the damn PC for hours, and the very time I HAD to go out for an hour the bloody link goes up J) , not doing that again no matter how good the offer!

According to upper screenshots from “Transaction History & Feedback” everyone paid $24.66
How can you tell which was paid $5.01 :quest:

Stop trying to give this seller a bad name... This promotion has gone flawlessly so far and out of nowhere here you come trying to raise suspicions over absolutely nothing... who do you work for??

(this is sarcasm btw, and I'm unsubscribing now. Have fun, guys.)

So I am the bad guy now for pointing out the obvious, or maybe my eye are cheating me when looking at those screenshots :Sp

P.S. If I remember correctly, this seller was banned once for spamming the forum, isnt that right? Sorry if I mixed up, maybe that was some other seller!

Pl do not be greedy. If you are lucky enough to get a set, it’s your luck and you deserve it. If you don’t, there will always be another deals somewhere sometime. We shouldn’t show bad attitude because of a few dollars. This is a nice forum so we should act and behave nicely.

This seller is a nice person. An honest guy who wanted to starts his business with good feedbacks. I think this is a fair deal.

I don’t think anyone received multiple discounts. The seller would have to manually add the discount to each order and could easily verify and track each account to limit it to one per person. It really isn’t all that hard to do when we are only talking about 30 people. These people that you see in the screen capture ordered multiple lights and will either have to cancel the additional orders or pay full price.

If you go through the feedback for the previous offer for the S5 you will see T*t M twice on the list. I did not get 2 lights with a discount, I jumped the gun to fast and paid full price for my first order before he was able to adjust my cart price like others have done. Rather than cancel though I asked Simon if I could just swap the full price S5 for another Convoy model which he had no problems doing for me.

Simon is awesome, this promo is awesome and imho there is no justification getting all worked up about a $15 discount. If $15 is a life and death issue for you than I ask why are you into this hobby in the first place? Just saying……

Thanks Simon,

You and Aliexpress are the best. :star: