Holy Hot Spot Batman, 824kcd! (Formerly, 100mm Aspheric Lens at Fasttech)


Way to go Ramblings. Now lets see what we can do with these bad boys (Well, I hope they kick ass).

POK wrote:

Maybe focal length is 140mm same as I got 2 from DX.


Interesting. Says 80mm in the link, but I'm not surprised it is wrong. Are they actually 24mm thick as advertized? If so, they it would seem the lens in the OP would have an even longer FL since it is only 19mm thick. How are the lenses working for you?

“How are the lenses working for you?”


Sorry to hear that. Thanks for reporting. I take it it doesn't focus clearly?

I'm starting to like DX, but it seems their line of aspheric lenses is quite sub-par. Lets hope this FT lens is a good one.

Deal Alert. OP updated

Yowza! 790k from XML2, especially 400k from MTG2 is quite… insane! Especially one you can build at lower budget.

What’s the approximate focal length of this lens?

Focal length is about 5.5" (about 14 cm).

Had to get out to try it out. This lens has to be built into a zoomie because fully focused you need binoculars to see out far enough to to use the hot spot. The hot spot is too small within the range of normal eye sight. Check you my 20 minute to build light:

Here is a beam shot aiming at a 70 foot tall pine tree. Pine trees love to eat up light. Distance to the tree is about 250 feet.

LOL. Yeah, totally surprised me too. I expected junk for $9. I'm thinking the issue is that it might focus the image of the die with some artifacts. Could just be my set up though with the white PVC. Well, I have to crash for work tomorrow. Night folks.

Wow, very nice results! But wait a minute…something looks familiar…did you steal jmpaul320’s camera and technique? :wink:

Hahaha… can’t blame him, that IS a popular technique nowadays! :bigsmile:

At 14cm FL, this FT lens is pretty much the same thing as DX, only $1.10 cheaper. Nice. Quite tempted to try this as well, except that I still have 62mm project lens laying around almost a year… with the project not even starting LOL. Maybe I’ll try 100mm after actually finishing that.

Paint everything in the head but the LED itself flat black. Or make a black insulator/shield to hide it. Flat is better, anything shiny will get projected along with the die image.

I Love it when a crazy idea like this…… WORKS. :slight_smile:

Pulsar13 wrote:

B42 wrote:
Wow, very nice results! But wait a minute…something looks familiar…did you steal jmpaul320’s camera and technique?

Hahaha… can’t blame him, that IS a popular technique nowadays!

At 14cm FL, this FT lens is pretty much the same thing as DX, only $1.10 cheaper. Nice. Quite tempted to try this as well, except that I still have 62mm project lens laying around almost a year… with the project not even starting LOL. Maybe I’ll try 100mm after actually finishing that.

What is this technique you two speak of?

I turned on the light. Aimed it at a tree and snapped a shot with my other hand. I see that the camera moved during the shot. That was unintended, but turned out good in that I would not have posted the picture if the license plate number on that first car was readable. Is that the technique, move the camera during the shot? Does it enhance the shot? I ask because the beam was more impressive in person. Smaller, but brighter.

EDIT: I just PM'd jmpaul320 as I was wondering what I was missing. I get it now. LOL. Good one.

Use a tripod (or some way of holding it in a stable position) and the 'self-shot' timer, so you aren't touching the camera when it takes the pic.

Comfychair wrote:

Paint everything in the head but the LED itself flat black. Or make a black insulator/shield to hide it. Flat is better, anything shiny will get projected along with the die image.

Thank you. I'll make sure what ever I end of is flat black inside as you recommend. This setup was just to try out the lens. The head gets too hot without the additional large piece of aluminum that holds the reflector and lens.

Use a tripod (or some way of holding it in a stable position) and the 'self-shot' timer, so you aren't touching the camera when it takes the pic.

Yeah, I agree I need to get one for the lights and one for the camera. Especially with my shaky hands.

Wow, anyone know any hosts that natively support this lens?

Well that's not as redneck as I thought it would look :) Good job!


Drill some holes and paint it black and it will look like a Crelant collimator.

Some impressive numbers! Kind of budget throwers right there.