SWM R 10R without mention of MAP per post #4 .

Do they have something about P60 size with a screw in pill?

I also like the HD2010 idea. I have a couple pills for them and would never buy them unless they were at a lower price.

got to go to work, see y'all later.

I don't have a HD 2010 so if it is a "good" one than I'll bite.

Bought one of these when they were about £8~ something a few weeks ago, really like the no memory, high first mode selection and the obnoxious strobe. Don’t like the DD driver though gimme some 7135’s any day.
Put me down for one if they are similar price :slight_smile:

Tangsfire C8

2010 sounds good to me too.

The Tangsfire HD2010 is always on special at Tmart, purchased one for $23.38 in December and one for $22.49 in January. It’s a great light but it’s always on sale, I would rather go for a light that is not on special every month.

Thanka for being the intermediate for a group buy Justin :-) .

I need a new 1x18650 test thrower, and I think the Trustfire X9 is the nicest one: looks good, 60mm head diameter, 17mm driver, some clearance on the underside of the reflector for the solder joints.

It is 30 dollars on tmart, how about 20 dollars for the group buy?

I’ve been admiring the Trustfire X9 also. It’s on my short list.

I only have a couple decent lights so I am flexible. I prefer warmer tints and 18650 or AA capable lights.
A powerful zoomy would be nice.

I’ll participate in the group buy. :nerd_face:

The X9’s machining and ano are very high quality, but there is NO heatsinking under the star, the pill is an empty tube and the star screws down on the big end. Keep the stock driver and reflow a ’L2 on the stock star, unless you want to go to the trouble of fabricating a copper plug.

avoid if you dont plan to mode it, hollow pill and garbage driver, also no room for protected cells…

How about small EDC LedLenser P3 :slight_smile:

If I went with a HD2010, it would be the FandyFire. Better light (at least the one I had was very good), and in black too.

I also like this light. I believe it's a C8 reflector, but in a HD2010 style body.

and that X9 sure does have a hollow pill, so it would be harder to mod it. I would like to see the insides of the Ultrafire V2 as a thrower.

Overall, so far, the HD2010 has it as the most talked about, so we will see if that changes any in a couple days or so.

Black is fine with me, Im not a ‘luminist’.

No idea on model though. Ill have to take your word for it. Although, 2.3a is a bit low isnt it? Or am i missing something? I would have thought XML2 would be desirable too. I have lots to learn.

I'm buying it to mod, so driver and emitter aren't a big deal. Quality of the host is a big deal.

We are talking stock lights here, not modded ones, so they come with XM-L T6 in all of them. There won't be any changes made by tmart, they just aren't into doing that kind of stuff. It is what it is. I've talked to them enough about that.

They have the Fandyfire HD2010 listed at 2300mA, the No Name HD2010 listed at 8 watts, so basically 2300mA most likely and the Tangsfire HD2010 listed at 6 watts, so that should be less than 2300mA.

Actually, if I had to pick anything, it would be this light. I just think it's sweet looking, because I favor smooth lines over all the medieval bumps. I think it might be an ok thrower.

Ah I see, thanks. I had read the bits re no modding by tmart and was cool with that, I want to mod it myself to learn on. But I had not realised that it wasnt available in XML2 nor in 2800ma. That last one surprises me most as I see that number talked about in much smaller flashlights. I either assumed, was confused, or both.

As I said, I have much to learn. Cheers.

Actually you got m interested in this one. But I must not, I ordered enough lights i have no real explanation for already. I can justify the HD2010 as I bought the pill, it would be wasteful not to use it. I cant justify the pill, but that was only $20 so is much easier to get away with. :smiley:

The driver current specs could also be wrong, unless I’m overlooking something. If you get one with the ‘good’ driver it will vary drastically based on which battery you use. For instance, that tangsfire version is listed at 6W, but people have reported well over 4000mA on high drain batteries.

Isn’t the East 092 driver direct drive, both the FF and TF versions I have have that driver. Quality of both is the same.

One of the lights I wanted but never bought was the Ultrafire 980L , always rated highly. Maybe they could get some of these.