Ah, I see now, sorry : gives prices in euro's, the cheapest is 24.56 euro and that is over 30 dollars, my mistake

To bad it has to be only Tmart i would go for the XinTD X3, but so far i like the Prairie fire D11

At this point, the majority seems to lean towards the HD2010. I can understand the desire to have one or more than one, as I need two myself, but I can also see the negatives. It does go on sale often and there is the driver lottery with it.

The rest seem to be hit or miss, so I am going to say that the HD2010 will be one that I ask the Tmart rep about.

How does everyone feel about this light? BeamTech BT-950L It has been reviewed at BLF here.

No one selection will please everyone and the majority will rule in the long run.



Was wondering why only 585-lumen.

What about a host only?

They don’t sell host only. Tmart just sells stock lights. They have never gotten into the host/mod/component thing like some sellers. Actually, they are more like DX where they sell all kinds of items and flashlights is just a small part of the mass of items they sell.

Looks nice, I would be interested. Is there an review on this light?

What about the D9?

I'd try the BeamTech, they probably won't go lower than their sale price on a HD2010 anyway.

I would suggest Fandyfire C108 , really like the design.

Cheaper at LightsCastle, $20.70.

Well there no point of grupbuy if the price would be the same as regular price.

TangsPower Cree XML-U2 5000LM 5 LEDs

What about this? I would really be fine with any of the lights that have been listed so far :wink:

Not with XM-L’s. And most certainly not without knowing what the driver was like.

it looks like the yezl y3 a very good light!—12115&ei=mt8DU7a9E6HnygOZooGIDA&usg=AFQjCNGZehUFRKYma17T0WXJ0Vq4R0nCpg

Well, there's no advantage negotiating a price without knowing what other sellers are asking for the item.

I like the suggested lights. Good thrower for the size and a low price would entice me.

TANK007 TK-703 SKY RAY R5-S3 Anyway I could persuade you to mod the SKY-RAY-R5 for us?

Well if many want a HD2010, but several people don’t like the standard HD2010s, here’s one more unique and different that could satisfy both:

Ultra Fire V2 looks like a toilet plunger. :Sp
Yezl Y3 looks nice, like an HD 210, but I’m not a fan of two buttons.
Fandy Fire C108 looks really nice. +1
The BeamTech BT-950L looks like a C8 with edges to tear pockets.
The Sky Ray R5-S3 looks like a McGizmo Haiku. I remember asking McGizmo if he would consider making one in aluminum once. The response he gave me left me feeling like he was saying, “Go away, piss boy. The rich are talking and you are wasting my time.” So I’m pretty sure that I’m going to get one out of childish spite.
Taste is individual, those are my likes.

I just saw the UranusFire post. LMAO! Actually the light looks good. I prefer the grey one. It might actually be good and a heck of a conversation starter. If we change the name to BLF-Fire or BLFAnusFire… Well then we really have something. So +1 for the Butt-burner

What about the convoy L2? It has some of that toilet plunger look to it but otherwise good for XML or MTG2 builds.