You have a Flashlight addiction when:

When Richard sets up shop in YOUR garage to save shipping costs.

When you get a text message at 6:30AM and it’s the sun, asking you if it’s ok to come up now “Are you done?”

When the moon drops her head in shame, unable to compete even when full.

addiction? I ain’t have have no addiction! twitch twitch

When your neighbor who is 110 yards from your barn and 320 yards from your house calls and says he saw someone with a flashlight looking around your barn at 3:00AM and you were actually at your home shinning the light out the back door.

At Christmas time when your friends and family say they like the light but don’t need anymore lights because of all the ones you have given them in past years.

When you know the difference between lumens and OTF lumens
You have committed to memory the lumen drops of typical flashlight materials (or their thermal conductivities)
You have to bite your tongue when you see what other people call ‘flashlights’

When deciding which light to EDC or take on a hike becomes AT LEAST as big of a decision as deciding what pair of shoes to wear or purse to carry is to the average 17 year old girl.

When you get into a ‘contest’ of are there more shoes or lights in the house?

When you have more detailed plans for mods than for your career...

When the first thing someone says, before opening his present: how many lumens?

When the sys op at work sends you an email asking why you have visited a non work related website that discusses flashlights 37 times in the previous three days.

I told him I was pricing some public safety components and looking for user reviews.


When you get tired of going back to reorder, so you buy at least two of every light on the first order.

….when the lights included in your give-a-ways blow away anything for purchase locally.

….when you get frustrated explaining that 18650 cells are in fact inside laptops.

….when you can instantly figure out total voltage based on number of cells.

….when you know what mode is next.

When you are building a flashlight that you don't need at all, just to proof DBCstm wrong (working on it right now).

when you have a power outage, and the neighbor comes over to ask for a candle, and leaves with a flashaholics version of a candle: an xintd x3 (for runtime, told him med. mode is plenty.), came back next day and asked if he could buy it.

did you sell at list price?

The last thing you do before you sleep is check the forums.
The first thing you do when you wake up is check the forums.
You look forward to a blackout.
When you look at China on a map, all you see is one big flashlight.
When your friends and relatives look at you, all they see is one big flashlight.
If your cremated what do you want to hold your ashes ?
Your passwords are flashlight related.
You scoff at the lights the police and firemen are supplied with.
When you turn on your light you enjoy hearing, WOW, Holy S**t, from people around you.
You shine your light on a white wall during daylight.
You have a light on you during daylight.
You don’t want to truthfully say how much you spend on flashlights to people.

You insist there if a torch version (because flashlight is an Americanism) of whatever theme the children in your family currently are into and seek to get them as gifts (Hello Kitty for those wondering).

… When you are adding flashlights to your online shopping cart and then you franticly hit the “minimize” button when the wife opens up the door.

and you like it. So you order a couple more - just because.

That happens to me often!

Ooooh God, I need a doctor :stuck_out_tongue:

…when you start thinking about borrowing money to buy a flashlight/s :slight_smile:
…when you know everything about the flashlight before you even received it.