ICR18650-28A $2.50 ea,

Received the 4 lights and they look good. Thank you Hayhayday.

How many of the Samsung cells do you have left? And shipping is now free on them, correct?


~40. shipping is actual amount

up, 10 for $30 shipped

10 for $25 shipped
22 for $50 shipped
40 for $85 shipped


No more lights for sale?

no just icr

k thx, got plenty of those.


Does the shipping cover buyers outside the US? I’d like to order 10 Samsung ICRs if the posted price includes shipping to the Philippines. Please PM your PayPal details. :slight_smile:

I don’t think I am allowed to send international li-ions

Too bad. :weary:

Thanx! :slight_smile:

Are they new?
If so, I want 40.
Or whatever is left.
I will pay Thursday
Thx gone to sleep
and what else are you selling ?

32 left/$75

Got 300 more if anyone is intrested


Is it this battery? http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Samsung%20ICR18650-28A%202800mAh%20(Purple)%20UK.html

And are they new?

If so I'll take 22 please, just send me your paypal email by PM.

will be sent by Saturday
