Tmart Group Buy - Closed

Looks like all the stock is gone, or at least the coupons ran out. Had to have been over a hundred lights to get to that point. At least from what I understood. I will find out how many sold and see if there's any chance of any more.

I only went with the Tangsfire because Justin said it was handsdown the better of the 3 he looked at. :wink:

Oh, wait, maybe I did that because I figured to change the T to a B and the r to an n? Heck, I don’t know, it was the first one. I might have to sand it all down and polish it just to get rid of all the text. Then engrave it with O-L BLF Edition.

BoLF Edition :bigsmile:

Thanks for setting this all up OL.

Tks OL! got one before they expired.

It was fast to run out (and I didn’t know it DOES run out!), I was busy yesterday and didn’t manage to order one. At $32 they don’t get my business yet. Thanks OL for organizing this and I am looking forward to other awesome group buy in the future.

I missed out on this GB as I waited for the coupon expiry reply from the seller. I’m un-subscribing to this sellers emal list as I’ve bought other non-flashlight items already.

I got in on the other Gb’s though.

Thanks for organizing O-L.

Got one of each, for those who didn’t get one, they run these on sale about once a month for about $2 to $3 more than the group buy price. You can’t wait until everyone gets theirs and confirms they are good before ordering yours. no group buy lasts that long. O-L did the comparison before the group buy started, don’t understand you waiting, doesn’t make sense.

I was afraid something like this would happen and was busy away from a computer on Saturday. Ended up ordering on my iphone while I was out to make sure I didn’t miss out. Hopefully they redo the codes or extend them so more members get a chance to get one.

Well, I didn’t get in on it, but it was a good try. Thanks to O-L for setting this up!

20 more pieces right now. Best they can scrounge up.

use code t2m0a1r0t

They sold over a hundred pieces and ran out, but scrounged up 20 more. Sorry, best I can do.

I dislike you all. 19 left.

Way to beat the bushes!

I'll let those who missed out have a chance, though.

Thanks OL!

OL: the best you could do is more than good enough for me. Thanks!

Got one. J)

Thanks OL and louis huang :slight_smile:

19.99 after coupon and points. Sweet deal, thanks!

My first 2010, gonna enjoy this.

for $19,79? couldn’t resist and bought another one :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe I’ll save one for giveaway later on :smiley:
coupon still works as this morning

Coupon worked for me 11:42pm last night. I hope it's not back-ordered.

Thanks for arranging this Old-Lumens...and the frustrations you indured...Yell

ordered one of each.

Thanks Justin !