Flashaholics Anonymous: The Flashlight Purchase Refusal Kudos Thread

$300+ spent past month on flashlights alone, I’m doomed.

I've cut way way back on purchase as I just don't have much time for this hobby and have plenty of hosts and parts for planned mods that have been sitting for months (some over a year), but I still make occasional purchases and don't know that I could go over a month not making a purchase!


I will not comply!

I will comply in in month of July- Aug… that’s when I’ll be on vacation for 1 1/2 months to Asia :bigsmile:

Hi, I’m a flashaholic and it’s been less than 12 hours since my last purchase. I’m two Nitecores away from selling my body on the street corner.

No purchases planned, i want to do some replacing so if can sell a few lights i have their upgraded replacements in mind. I don’t have time to post a bunch of lights though I am far too busy right now

Maybe I should join the program too…

On the other hand, this flashlight-fetish might blow over again…

But they will need upgrading in the future, when (for example) XP-G3 comes out…

Think of all the good deals on flashlights you can get while you’re over in Asia. :slight_smile:

I havent purchased a flashlight in over 4 months, maybe 5 or 6 months……Lost track of time haha

Although I just said I’d buy a K50vn PDT. On the bright side, I sold all my laser stuff, minus the few that are special to me. Still have a 3.2W 445nm MagLite for sale though hint hint

In the end I’ve sold way more than I’ve bought so :stuck_out_tongue: I dont have a problem anymore

Huh? Does that mean you've stole some to sell? Maybe you have another problem!


No means I have some cool friends who give stuff away, GF who buys stuff for me, etc…… :smiley:

Some things I feel like I “stole” just because the price was dirt cheap but I am no thief :wink:

Do we all have to chant, “I have seen the light………………………………………………………………but I didn’t buy it”

…I still have to buy some though…
That recoiler from FT, something like a HD2010 perhaps (wide reflector everyone seems so happy with), I have zero flashlights with a 90° head, yet to explore driver-land…
And how about a mercury vapour lamp? :bigsmile:
No, I’m not done yet…
Sorry guys…

I was thinking the same. You think they’d have a factory direct place in Shenzhen?

Shenzhen is manufacturing city… even fasttech and wallbuys and most aliexpress store bought stuffs from there :slight_smile:

I’m doing my best not to buy any more flashlights for quite a long time. I’m going to build up the ones I have before I do that. That should take me quite a while.

A Country and Western record asked the question: “What is the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?”. The answer: “Us drunks don’t have to go to all them gal darn meetin’s.”

I’m just one day in and already I’m fighting the window shopping!

I’m guessing we need to add some additional rules:

4) You can be gifted, but not get - or in anyway motivate or manipulate - someone to get anything for you.

5) You can sell something, but not rebuy or replace said item.

6) You may only purchase something for someone else, but not with your own funds.

So over the next 2 weeks it will be:

7…8…9…10…11…12…13…14…15…16…17…18…… Screw it, just buy some flashlight stuff. :stuck_out_tongue: