NiWalker Nova MiniMax MM15 2x Cree MT-G2 P0 5233lm LED 18650 Flashlight


2,000 lumens for 5 hours is very attractive. The price? Not so much.
I might get one tomorrow.

Has anyone done any beamshot comparisons between this and the FF4. As much as I want one I’m having a hard time trying to justify it given I already have an FF4, because let’s face it neither would be used for much more than showing off. Haha

Keep in mind, vinh is a dealer, so he makes money on just the sale, like a dealer would. This is why he can keep the mod price low on new lights he sells, not all, but ones he is signed up as a dealer for. Think he makes that clear in his posts.

For the buyers, of course, it's a good deal for the modding work, but he's still making his money on the mod and sale - it's his business.

It maybe too bright (!!??!). I also don’t like the step-down feature. I think such a light is more for enthusiasts, and as such, the enthusiast should know when it’s time to turn down the light.

I’ll leave my bright, floody duty lights to my DRY and S6330vn lights. I am hoping to add a modded Yezl Y3 into that floody list (replacing XM-L2 with an MT-G2, which should give a good balance between flood and throw).

Rod - the Y3's pill top is 8 mm, 6 mm at the center where it dents in underneath, nice uni-body pill design, beauty for heat sinking. Ran mine for 12 mins on a FET based driver, figure about 5.5A with a XM-L2 on copper and it got pretty toasty though, slight smell of burning though I couldn't find anything burnt. Bottomline is just not enough mass for prolonged runs at such high amps, but difficult to find any light that can take that.

@ Tom E. Planning to mod the existing driver for 4A. It should put out around 2500 OTF lumens. Again, hoping to get some usability on the modded light should I wish to run it for extended periods of time.

On-topic - still a great price though. But I kind of having more diving lights on my list at the moment, so another reason for me to say no on this one. :slight_smile:

I love the Y3's - well designed for the cost. Got 4 in right now - 2 to go out, 2 keeping for now. I'm doing my own e-switch custom FET driver for them though - one cell.

I followed the reviews/threads on the MiniMax. Got one on the way - will probably experiment with resistor modding it, plus usual tweaks to the battery carrier and wires, etc. It's a one-of-a-kind right now, for that much power flood, in such a small package. Not crazy bout the temp limited turbo mode though - maybe can find a way to fool the temp sensor...

HKE's price on this light is the best around last I checked! Awesome deal! Plus a reputable dealer here for us.

please keep us updated with your mods to this amazing light. but honestly even if you did fool the temp limited on turbo, i doubt it would do much good because the light would just be waaaaay too hold to hold anyways. unless you use the handle, but now you risk frying up the internals.
i hear you can always turn it off, and run it on turbo again though.

The FF4 has 200+kcd while this has around 20kcd.
This is more of a flood monster while the FF4 is more of a thrower.

Stock MM15 (at HK Equipment’s fantastic price, or not).

MM15 modded by Vinh (dome/dedome, current boost or not, tweaks to carrier/springs or not)

MM15 modded by owner.

Another competitive flooder (although there are few currently, stock or modded).

Wait for another “king of the hill.”

Ain’t choices grand in our hobby!!!

I though that would be the case, I was more curious though because doesn’t the FF4 also put out some 7000 lumens?

Let me air it out: I wished I would never have seen this offer. I keep checking the site, HOPING they are all sold out, that would solve my dilemma. I have about 30 lights after 3 years. I have no multiple emitter lights, and my most expensive light was like $65. And I want this light badly. Don’t know why, it’s just another light. But it would be $200 as I need cells also. Am I insane to spend $200 on a another flashlight, on this one? What could I get instead for $200? Quite a bit. I could get the Mountain M6 (but it’s more a thrower), and a Sunwayman D40A for $50 and have a lot left over. I have said YES and NO to this light so many times. Will logic and rationality win out? I don’t know. Hoping they run out still. What would I do with this thing I have read all the reviews on this light. I can well afford it, THAT is not the issue. Logic is. Is it logical? I have a light ‘on the way’ and I’m thinking of ordering another? What is the matter with me? I keep saying “ok, just this one more and then call it quits!” Nobody helps, you ALL just feed the addiction, if that is what it is.

This must end. It will either end with a purchase, or by them all being sold out.

(Selfbuilt will be doing reviews on this light, as he has received a manufacturer copy, and this light modded by vinh as he has received a couple of those as well. I believe they will be ready in around a week according to his post.)

another thought: if I got rid of my computer that would put an end to this sickness as well.


I hear you and I feel your “pain”, but here’s the messages from Niwalker:


“Nobody helps, you ALL just feed the addiction, if that is what it is.” (saypat)

I commiserate, Brother!

I did attend one meeting of FA (Flashaholics Anonymous), but all we did was recite the 12 Top Light Manufacturers, each told their own history of acquisitions, then broke into discussions of all the lights we were about to buy, mod and trade.

The meeting was sponsored by PayPal.

I believe I no longer have that same dilemma like what you are ‘suffering’ from now….How, you may ask?
Well, I simply imagine that I already own THAT light, and it has been with me for one week. Will I still be that excited to use THAT light tonight, will I still be that excited even just to take a look at it? Will it really be THAT something special compared to the other lights you are having/keeping now? (of which the most that you use is ONLY the one you EDC)

If the answers to those questions are all yes, maybe, just maybe, it’s time to buy that light.

I usually just buy it, receive it and only then think about whether I should have bought it. But by that stage it’s too late to decide not too. Haha

too funny Burgh.

just checked tracking and my $11 Convoy S2+ will be arriving in the next few days. Maybe that will satiate my thirst. Am I kidding? I think I am like a woman, I don’t need it, but if it’s on sale I’ll buy it!

Yes the FF4 has around 7000 lumens. However, you need a 4x increase in lumens to perceive a 2x increase in brightness. You’d definitely be able to see the brightness difference, but it wouldn’t be too much. Not to mention the MTG-2 is the most efficient emitter on the market right now. Also it doesn’t have warm up time so if you’re the type to turn on your light to check a noise outside HID is definitely not the way to go.

You’d see the difference easily but not because FF4 has more lumens but because it’s throwier. To human eyes focused beam appears brighter than the floody one.