GROUP BUY CANCELED AGAIN. Blackshadow Terminator T70

there are no reviews yet - i would expect good things from the driver as it has been improved this version

johnny mac has a review sample on TFF but no review yet

Put me down as a maybe. I loved my xmlu3 version.

it looks like we should easily get 10 as this thread hasnt even been alive for 1 whole day yet :slight_smile:

It's a very good light, on par in quality (IMO) with far more expensive brands. At least the previous version was. If there was review of this one I have a feeling 20+ wouldn't be an issue.

Just got a 'old' version from IS with XM-L2. Definitely interested in this one too. Put me down for one.

Very impressive beamshots here I’m in.

Over 10, woohoo, can we get 30?

i think we can get 20 - 30 might be tough, but who knows :slight_smile:

if we cross 30 I'll grab one :D

I’m not in, since I just got the last rev of the old one and I don’t need two… but I still want to see what happens here.

I had once thought to replace the emitters with de-domed XP-G2s to make it do ~150 kcd (more with resistor mods), but focusing the thing would be incredibly difficult. The stars slide around pretty easily and the only way I can think of to get the focus even close would be to remove the lenses and use tweezers or something to delicately slide the stars from the front while screwing down the reflectors.

Wow. Pretty impressive compared to some really nice lights. Very few of the compared I would consider to have ‘beaten’ the T70 in both throw and flood. Most notable to do so was the X60 at more than triple the price of the T70.

Looks like I’m choosing between this beast and a dedicated super throw like the tk61.

i hear you - getting any type of de-domed emitter to focus correctly in a smooth reflector can be a major pain… not to mention there are 4 in this light to worry about

If price is $90 or less im In

we have 10 easily now so its at $90 :slight_smile:

I added you

Count me in.

Put me down for one in CW.

3000 lumens strobe :Sp I will never understand that logic…

You should be more concerned about the 400 lumen "low"

Please count me me in for 1 @ $90.


Count me 1 maybe!