Mountain Electronics is off th' chain!

Yeah, just had some conversation with him through this forum. Really nice, fast and the only thing which is preventing me to buy stuff from him is the big ocean between him and my place…

So no coupons, right?

They are already built into his prices!

Here's the link to his web store. He does ship international also.

The coupon code BLF used to work on some items (use all caps) but I'm not sure it's still active anymore. Perhaps Richard will chime in here and let us know.

Thanks max!

The BLF code worked on the batteries but not on lights the last time I tried it. May also work on some components but I have not bought any yet. Considering Richards light prices compared to most other USA sellers I can see why it does not work for them. BTW the discount is only 2%. Better than nada for sure.

Not to be too picky, but when I lived in Yelm, we saw the sun after everyone else on the mainland. Just messing though.

Aww I coulda saved a dollar I didn’t know about BLF code

Always try 'BLF'.


Yeah, it's kinda inconvenient!

uhm… how can you see the sun before the rest of the usa… it rises in the east… sets in the west :slight_smile:
so in that case I see it before you do.

A whole lot of flashlight dealers/retailers ought to rethink their business plan!!! A new Sheriff is in town, and his name is Richard. Thanks for the dozen or so times you helped me out Richard.

we order from him a lot at the shop.
its really not worth a few $$$ to order things like kingkongs from china.
we know we are getting the real deal from mountain!

Fyi, Richard, Calvin and Craig have been awesome about fixing my stupid little mistakes when I order. It's one of those little things that make it so I don't even bother looking for other vendors if these guys carry it, and sometimes I'll wait for them to carry or restock it.

I’ve been placing international orders from Sweden without a problem. I’ve had to pay customs on one order but I was prepared for that.
My experiences with Richard is that he will go out of his way to help. His offers to help me with my own screw ups have been far more generous than I could have hoped for.

So as long as he wants my business he has it. The additional shipping costs is not an issue for me because I know I will get what I’ve ordered within reasonable time.

Do you think MTN will ever be able to do free shipping?

Can you do FREE shipping?

Considering MTN are in the US, any free shipping would require it to be built into the price anyway. Unlike the Chinese businesses that have postage subsidised heavily.

Exactly. Postage in Canada and the US has gone up dramatically in the recent past - there ain’t no ‘cheap’ anymore, much less ‘free’. If the Chinese sellers were on a level playing field we’d not be getting the bargains we have been.

In Canada, $12 is pretty well the minimum for any parcel now shipped point to point within Canada. I haven’t sent anything to the U.S. recently, but I doubt it’s any less.

Let’s face it, our flashlights are 90% luxury anyway - I don’t mind paying a bit extra for the luxury of dealing with North American sellers. At least the product arrives the same year I ordered it, and it’s a lot more likely to be correct.

Anyone have more info on the subsidized shipping from Chinese vendors?