1xAA with a very low low and a clip.

O-light I2/ITP A2/Maratac AA (all the same light)

Akoray K106 programmable (Kaidomain might still have some)

Trustfire F20

All have low modes under 3 lumens and clips.

I misread and thought low low clip. Quark AA has .02 lumens. It's quite neutral compared to my other lights. Already has clip, but you can get a low low clip for it too. It's not really budget though. Not sure your price range.

I'm still holding out for the BLF Tank007 E07 :)

a low low, neutral, AND a clip.

sounds like the Zebra SC51w to me.

+1, zebralights have the lowest low with run time exceeding 10 days.

I have SC51w but beware, neutral can be very warm.

hmm, the zebralight is out of my budget, i would like to stay under $30.

Not neutral, but definitely look at the ITP A2 as that's under your budget and is nice quality.

The issue is that there are not a lot of lights in that budget range with .2 lumen kind of lows if that is what you are interested in.

The Proton Pro can be had new for less than $40 however.

I've been thinking hard about getting more AA-sized lights that have a nice low and long runtime, not so much concerned about huge lumens on High, more about long battery life. Something that will run for a few months on a package of AA Duracells if the Zombie Apocalypse comes...

The iTp A2 in Stainless Steel is advertised at a couple of places (Battery Junction and Amazon) for $25 lately, used to be $32. I wonder if they are coming out with an XP-G or even XM-L version to replace the XR-E they use now?

More thoughts on this?

I thought the Olight killed the ITP line. Its now just the Olight A2, so far only in black.

XP-G, Cool white, couple of lumen low, $25

I love this forum, great information, thanks. That would explain why SS XP-Eā€™s are $25.


I ended up ordering the Olight I2 from GoingGear with the 10% discount code.

Hello all,

This is my first post although I've been a regular reader for many months.

I'm thinking about getting an Olight i2 which has a low of 2.5lm but...

I have an ITP A1 which, according to hkequipment.net, has a low of 1.8lm. However, when it is on the low setting the beam is clearly visible against a white wall in daylight from about 2 metres. Surely this is way more than 1.8lm. It makes you wonder about the accuracy of the published spec. I am running it on a 16340. Is that likely to make any difference to a CR123?

Is the low setting on the i2 a genuine low or will it turn out to be a eye melter?

I just got the olight i2 from going gear. I'm in daylight and no, you cannot see the beam at two meters against a white wall. It looks like a very good Low setting. I'll check on it tonight when it gets dark and give you more information.

I could not find any information that says the Olight i2 can/cannot be used with a 14500. Does anyone know if you can pop a 3.7v battery in it?

This light came with a new Duracell AA, 2 extra "O" rings, and an Allen wrench to remove the pocket clip (which I did).

Only thing that I did not like is the packaging; it is packaged in impossible-to-remove-without-a-razorblade clamshell. Seriously difficult to get it out of the package, even regular household scissors do not cut through the edges of the packaging.

Olight mentions only 1xAA, so you can quite safely assume that a 14500 is a definite no-no.

Great - thanks for the info - actually I've just ordered the BLF Tank special edition which is supposed to have a good low, but I'll probably still get the Olight. Can't have too many now, can you?

They say the same thing about the i3, but we know that takes 10440 batteries just fine.

10440 can't deliver as much current though, it voltage sags more and you don't get as high a voltage. Its the slight difference that could mean the difference between surviving a minute, and surviving 10 seconds.

If you just wanted the lowest low in a small package, you can get the fauxtons for like $1 and use 2032 cell in them, then get a real light w/ left over money.

Here is the official response from Olight on my question above, if anyone is interested. I've been using 10440 batteries in my iTp A3 since I got in in Feb, and will continue to do so. Seems to be pretty common for folks to use it with no issues.

Dear Bill,
Thanks for buying Olight flashlight!
i2 can not use 14500 li-ion battery,please note it,the voltage is high,it may damage the flashlight,please kindly note it.ITP A3 can not use 10440 li-ion battery as well.
You can use Ni-MH AA battery for i2.
Any question,please feel free to contact me.
Have nice day!
Best Regards,
Eileen Peng,