CLOSED WINNER ANNOUNCED: Are you Psychic? Giveaway!!!

Rock and paint

A large metal slingshot and a crapfire 18650 cell.

What is inside the box does not use or has electricity

Not edible. Technically tool. Can be used as a hammer.

One item contains plastic. No glass. No paper. No wood. No cloth. Some metal. Glue. No electronics. Don't use electricity.

Heavy and light. Unrelated. One item has been mentioned.

Is there paper?

A dollar bill (with a metal strip) and a rock?


The objects do not contain paper…

Does one (or both) of the items contain plastic?

cup and dish soap?

one item contains plastic…

are all items solid?

If you mean, like solid, liquid or gas? Both items are solid…

cup and wrench?

So we just need to hack your PC… Let’s call the NSA!

Not edible. Technically tool. Can be used as a hammer.

One item contains plastic. No glass. No paper. No wood. No cloth. Some metal. Glue. No electronics. Don't use electricity. Both solid.

Heavy and light. Unrelated. One item has been mentioned.

Is one or both items a toy?

Rock and plastic toy car with metal axises and sticker.

kids toy and cup?

a saw and macaroni art your child made.

Don't forget the hammer thing...

818,000+ passwords tried and counting... and its still only in 3 character passwords... I dont think I have a chance at this

When i get home im going to try brute forcing as well, should be interesting

Nope you don’t have a chance at a brute attack, trust me on that one…

One object is a weird kind of art, my mom made it!

Both objects are not toys…

I also encrypted the password file just in case…