Ladies night- 4&5K post giveaway progress report 12/15

I'm not unlucky enough to have friends.

I don’t care if they call you Sally or Sue, it ain’t for you!

They’re gonna be tubular with maybe a touch of Steve’s knurling.

Still waiting to hear what the ladies want rather than what we think they want.

Had me thinking for a moment and then realised there is more than one person called Steve.

So… if I were (hypothetically) a woman with a girlfriend, I could enter twice?

Hold on, I need to go talk to someone about … elective surgery …

Honestly, it depends how small you can get a switch down to.
I’ve got a DQG tiny and it either shreds o-rings, turns on in my pocket or the head unscrews itself, so I’d prefer a small clicky

No, it’s you, Steve. Turnover on my mods isn’t quite up to the speed of most others so it’s understandable if you’ve forgotten making a bunch of 12mm sections for me, especially since this is the first opportunity I’ve taken to use them. Originally they were going to sleeve the heads of solitaires but I haven’t done one of those in awhile and have since discovered the joys of making entire lights from scratch.

I picked up some switches a while back that fit in a 10mm tube and are ~10 mm long. I seem to recall Justin saying they fail pretty consistently above .5A so I’d likely max at 380mA with a clicky. I know higher currents are possible even with the 10180 cell but I want these to be practical rather than pyrotechnical.

Comment deleted as I don't want to get kicked of here. I'll try and get the wife to respond here. It might take awhile as she is a bit slow. Takes after me.

since its a ladies flashlight I think it will be better to have an “easy to find” battery so 10440/AAA.

That’s worth considering but I will be shipping them with battery included. It would be a good idea to consider the recipient before entering.

Apart the fact that making something women want I consider one of the difficultiest things in this world, thinking about this two thoughts pas through my mind:

  1. Before this I believed making the ultimate thrower was difficult, but now I am glad and realize how easy it is compared to the above the work I do.
  2. This
    ” What we are?——- Women
    What we want?———We don’t know!
    When we want it?———-NOW!!! ”
    I wish you luck in this heroic project :stuck_out_tongue:



Sshh, don’t let them know that we know them that well. It’s our only remaining defense.

10440, XP, and clicky. Can’t wait to see it.

Hmm, what about a micro angle head light?

Sounds great, Rufusbduck! :bigsmile: What I would like (if I was lucky enough to win) would be something along those lines.

I don’t have an emitter preference (in a small light run time is better I think) but did want clicky before I started buying twisties. I think one of those TP4056 boards could be modded to charge a 10180 but I’d worry it was too short to handle vs. 10440 (somehow that TU Nano makes up for it by being slim).

Like the squarish Xeno Cube light? I don’t know how it would feel in the hand, being heavier than a lipstick; maybe not as nice as circular lights.

I’ve started. One will be a clicky angle head and the other will be a twisty.

There is a manual that will explain EXACTLY the flashlight they will like and that will have them eagerly allowing their significant others to spend as much money as they want on their hobbies while attaining the flashlight they so desire

This is the Manual for understanding women volume 1

Good luck :wink:

That’s the abridged version…

I thought it was the index.

Small and unobtrusive on the key ring, nice tint, easily operated with the hand holding the keys.

My wife is always multi-tasking, generally has her arms full of something or other as she zooms about her bizness. Having to operate a twisty she doesn’t much care for. (Doesn’t use the LD01 I gave her)