LD-40! (17mm Buck driver, 3-16.8v!)

Looks interesting,
I wonder if it would fit in a Convoy M1 pill, would be nice as is driving a Nichia219b if it uses CC regulation.
But 10mm plus board size is pretty thick.

No more info on this?

Nobody has one to poke at yet. I ordered 2 on the 24th, but they're still over there waiting for somebody to put them on a damn airplane...

Uniquefire UF-1405 is begging for this!!!

That remains to be seen, depends on how well it handles an output boost. If it behaves nice up to 4-5A it will be good for lots of stuff, if it won't go much above the stock 2A it'll be a lot less useful.

CNQ website is down, I can’t even have a look at it. :frowning:

Is this a linear driver or something else?
I would like to drive a Nichia 219/119 at 2A regulated but the issue of high Vf comes into play with the linear driver.
Maybe this is something different that can keep 219A regulated at 2A?

It is a buck driver, a linear driver would turn into a lump of stinky carbon if you asked it to output 3 volts from a 16 volt input.

Thank you Comfy,

Sorry if these q’s seem obvious.
Would this drive the 219A in regulation from single Li-ion until cell is gets low?
The high Vf of the 219A at 2A wouldn’t be a problem for this driver?

EDIT: I understand no one has it yet but looking for general answer regarding buck drivers. :slight_smile:

The general rule of thumb for buck drivers is something like 1-1.2v overhead needed to remain in regulation.

The driver appears to be named LD-40, not 44. :wink:

I’m going to try this one out though. Can’t go wrong for that price if it can deliver 3-4A and still be above 65% efficiency.

Good luck, mine have been stuck at 'origin post is preparing shipment' since the 26th.

GRRRRRRRR saw LD 44 in the recent posts and thought yeah new Fenix light, ah well encourages me to pay more attention, Naw CBA.

LOL, is that better?

Yes thats better for those of us (me) that fail to pay attention to the section the post is in due to there excitement over the prospect of a new Fenix light.

Thank You

Awaiting the results of modding this driver I ordered two, hoping that they can be made to deliver 4A current. (and still battling with Fasttech's Bonnie to get them to deliver the Uniquefire UF-1405 instead of the wrongly delivered UF-1406 )

Hopefully the stock current is so low only to help out with making it usable with only 1 cell (see the Nichia discussion a few posts up), that inductor looks far too beefy for such low current. If the other parts of the driver are truly limited to not much over 2A I think they would have used a 2A inductor, which would be a lot smaller than what's on there.

Looking forward to an update on these.

same here ,might be good option for car applications as well.

Nothing more than pictures so far...