What light would you buy if Money was not an issue

Solid 24K gold custom light built by MRsDNF, would have a platinum bezel and tail cap end, maybe with some diamonds mounted on the head and tail cap. Would pay MRsDNF $20,000 for his labor. Would also have a custom driver built by , probably spend a grand or two on that.

most likely Surefire for me if money isnt a problem

Will take this if I win a lottery.

well the problem is money always be an issue for me :smiley:
any light my money can buy if there is no issue though,heck i even buy the flashlight factory itself J)

Except I’d have it designed by , and it might be a BLF Limited Edition and look better than this $1200 copper SST-50:


There is no light out there that is exactly to my liking.

So if money wasn't an issue, I would buy AlexGT his CNC-lathe and have him custom make my perfect flashlight, and one for him :-)

I'm in for a AlexGt custom light as well but mine would have to have a hand picked and tested by djozz led.

Ok so if I win the lottery no one wants me to buy them a light they want but can’t afford at the moment?

If money was no issue, I’d go to California and buy Mag Instrument Inc. and drag it kicking and squalling into the 21st century.

I think it would have to be a TM36. Just for the wow factor. Would go well with my ridiculous TK70.

If I won the lottery, I would buy some of Old Lumens’ XHP70 monsters.

Id get this one:

E2L AA Outdoorsman

But its $200 USD.

So I stick with my Fenix LD20, it was around $60.

My wife looks at 3 shelves full of lights and wonders if the lottery money is already spent. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s not a stock light out there that I have a hankering for. If the money was there, I’d have TexasLumens build me a fully custom Titanium light that we’d have to sit down and design first. :slight_smile:


What is THAT?

Looks like someone stole CPF member “Ra” design

Man, I would get one of those too


Nope this is fully custom designed from scratch.

Been following the work in progress for years now. Hopefully it’ll be produced someday.

Mercury short arc FTW.

I would get the following…

1) Tain Hyperlux
2) Tain Nova TixDa
3) Jeff Hanko Timascus
4) Maxabeam