1800 post Givaway -- Winner chooses. -- Ended.

There are some special and weird flashlights there I see… And I wouldn’t mind owning one of them, so I’m in!

I’m in! Thanks!

I like the light that shines around corners !
I’m in too,
thanks Fritz.

I’m in! Thanks for the giveaway !

Great selection!

Count me in


im in thanks

Awesome! Im in

I’m in, thanks!

COunt me in!

WOW, that's quite a collection Fritz.

Congrats on the 1,800 (and many more)

Please count me in !

Thanks for the opportunity

What a fun giveaway. Thank you

I'm in and a BIG THANKS !

Count me in! Thanks!


I’m in!
Thanks Fritz

So-o-o many to choose from, count me in!

wow I’m in

This is high mode for the LED Lenser, as turbo requires the button to be held down.

The Lyme Sipik 73 appears not to have been in high mode. It probably also could have been driven harder than it is.

The Coast has “spill” when zoomed in, unlike the Lenser that is tuned nearly for maximum throw.

Note the huge flood of the Coast.

Increasing the flood on the headlamp also reduced the throw a bit.

Wow. I’m in. Thanks!

in please!

you’re def the Smiling Shark Whisperer, I don’t yet own one…