DavidEF 2000 post Giveaway! Winner has been selected!

I’m in, thanks.

It takes active posters to keep a good forum alive. I am actually looking forward to getting to that point one of these days.

I have the 5A tint ordered, will be ordering the 3D tint and may not order the 1A. Would be bright, but I hate cool whites.

I’m in for this and the 1A since I likely will not order it for myself.

Thanks Matt

Congrats on the 2000 posts! That’s a lot of stuff to type! Count me in!

ta :slight_smile:

I’m in. Thanks.

Congrats on nearly 2000 posts :party:
I’m in . Thanks for the chance!


congrats on the 2000
i’m in
thank you

I’m not not in

Still waiting for my NW A6 too so put me in :slight_smile:


I’m in for a 3d

I am in. Thanks and congrats!
Got a 3D coming. I can use a 1A if I am lucky.

DavidEF , Congrats on your quick count #.

I’m in.


I like nice people who giveaways

Does it come with meeses to power it?

me me me! Thank you! I think i passed my 500 posts but im currently on a tight budget :frowning: Thanks for the giveaway!

Im In and thanks for doing the giveaway

I’m in