Group Buy Interest Thread *DEAD* for SupFire Y11 *Got it! Pics in OP*

Unfortunately people do get accused when they were truthfully acting in self defense. The guy only had a little knife, did you really need to shoot him dead? Wouldn’t he have reconsidered attacking you as soon as he saw your big gun? Did even you give him a chance?
It’s sad.

“enhanced carry”? Haven’t heard of that before but it sounds good!

BTW, Halo, hope you’re not taking my talking with you as hostile arguing! :slight_smile:

In OK and TX, the only two locales I’m really familiar with, the size of the knife wouldn’t matter. The primary thing the police would care about was, “Who drew a weapon first?” Now, if say I pulled my gun and the other fella immediately gave up, IF I then shot him, that’s murder in every location on earth.

In Germany where I’m stationed now, I’d just carry a Trustfire TR-J19 or TR-J20! :wink: This baseball bat light would mostly be a “safe queen” unless it’s not really that big. A small mini-sized bat could probably be seen as not a weapon, something the size of a Louisville Slugger would get you questioned heavily by der Polizei. I’m not an expert on German law, though.

Are you a soldier on active service? Just curious as you mentioned ‘stationed’….

Ok, I believe it is a ridiculous light but I showed this to a friend and he loves it for in his vintage Mercedes! So I'm in for a red one!!!!


Yup, Air Force. Currently in sunny, wonderful Afghanistan and flashlights give me something to think about and spend some money on without going completely broke. :slight_smile:

There's two aspects: 1) although fire-arms are very illegal here (if you are not police, carrying a gun makes you a criminal unless you are licensed for shooting sports), you can carry knives and clubs legally. 2) the occurrance of violence to normal people is very very low, even in Amsterdam where I live. There's violence among criminals, but as a normal citizen behaving average (if you are not intentially at the wrong place at the wrong time) you hardly encounter anything. A club would be an utter useless thing to carry all the time unless you are paranoid.

I’m guessing not available in SS? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wonderful! I’’ve always wanted to be one but sadly in Singapore they only allow the chinese to be pilots :frowning: Before you ask why, its because theyre afraid that if there are Malay pilots then we might defect to malaysia while using their own weapons against them pfft i call BS! |(

when i got this light at my hand maybe peoples will call me bat-man :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll ask about multiple lights incurring additional shipping or if there’s a break on that. Estimating, the box will be approx 3”x3” x22” so it stands to reason Intl shipping won’t be especially cheap. They are on fall holiday, so it will be a week in getting responses.

I paid $28 to get it shipped DHL, so my review light should be here by middle of next week. (the difference in dealing directly with the manufacturer vs dealing with a vendor. And frankly I didn’t ask for a free sample light nor did I ask for any favors. I just ordered a light, with speedy shipping, to be as impartial as possible.)

I got one in Rose to go with our Tornado Red VW Golf Sportwagen TDi. :slight_smile:

And yes, modifications will more than likely be applied. :wink: And then thoroughly potted for solidity. :bigsmile:

I would expect each individual to use common sense as to whether or not their living conditions can support this type of light. As with anything that can be considered a weapon, common sense and a good bit of knowledge go a long way towards making life easy. These days, whether you flip your hoodie up or down can be the difference in surviving the day, so lets use good judgement for your own situation, please!

Long discussions in a flashlight thread about what may or may not be legal around the globe are pretty much a waste of time. Each individual knows what they can and can’t do. Let’s leave it at that please.

If I wasn’t already in for 3 of the GB’s, it wouldn’t be a bad thing at all to keep in the vehicle.

I have my equalizer with me at all times (Colt .45 / 1911, that was my duty weapon back when) and my wife keeps hers, with her (S&W .40 Model 4006) but I would rather knock someone out, than have to shoot / kill them to be honest, if it came down to it, and with this you have protection, plus an emergency light if it is needed.

Curious as to your findings with this one though, just to see how it fairs and holds up.

Is the switch on the tail end? Or on the side?
Dale, are you planning to mod yours?

The switch is in the tail cap, looks very well done in their pictures.

I won’t know what I’ll do with mine til I have it in hand and see what it does, how it’s made, what it might tell me it’s potential is. As a modder, I tend to weigh a lights combined assets for an idea what I could do to improve the total picture. How good is the reflector? What does it’s beam profile look like? Would it fare well with a different emitter? A different driver? And then I proceed to tweak and modify to see what I can get out of it. Being as how I have very few stock lights in a collection numbering over 100, I will have to say it’s a high likelihood that yes, I will mod this one. It remains to be seen though in which way.

I asked about bumping it to 4A, maybe? The reply I got said “You can use this torch bumped the glass of your car. it doesn’t matter. what means of 4A?” I’ve only seen one guy in my entire life “bump” the glass in his own car, just sayin! (he was completely and totally messed up, mad… woman… and freaking beserk!) Make that 2, my son “bumped” the side glass out of his 66 Apache after he’d wrecked it, mad at himself, mad at a girl, mad at the world. I think both cases they found a tire iron perfectly adequate for this “bumping” action. :wink:

Oh yeah, I’m in!

I’ll try it too, pending Dale’s evaluation…….

The shipping quote from them is always weird, I once asked them for an spare driver and they said it will be free I only have to pay shipping…12$ or so….
Maybe this gets listed on a seller which makes it cheaper, I guess for 20$ this would sell a lot better than for 30$. I like the colours and often supfire has reasonable quality.

I have one of the extendable batstyle lights which I never modded due to lost of an aluminium round…

For the low price I see this as a novelty item rather than a useful flashlight or bat, it does look great and unique and perhaps can serve as a nice gift. But I would never carry this in my car, if I wanted a flashlight I would carry a flashlight and the same for a self defense weapon, having a bat in you car could get You into trouble.

I’m in depending on the review and more pictures, looks like great addition to the shelf!

I like what I see, I’m in on this. another house bat, I’ll put my Miken away.

Shipping can definitely be a big deal but at this point even pointless til the first one gets...umm...dissected.

Nevertheless..this is not like the other baton styled lights. This is smooth bodied for a nicer look, 2x18650 (if I read right) AND made by a company that makes some of the better budget lights a bonus usually able to be modded. Biggest problem with car lights is losing them. No way this gets lost.