Attiny25/45/85 FW Development Thread

First of all, I want to say I have huge respect for what you do. Your shop, community dedication and knowledge. Most other people who hold back their sources do it just for financial gain and you offering gerbers clearly shows that is not the case. You here motivating other people to learn in any way can only be described as noble.
I personaly have desire to learn, and will eventualy get to designing a driver regardles of available Eagle files.
So I guess it’s the same with other people willing to learn, you can’t be really good at something like this unless
you did it all on your own and from scratch fully understanding every step along the way. With this being said,
I think availability of BRD files would be huge. It gives already experienced people better insight into (in this example)
driver allowing them to both improve their knowledge and your product (git pull request in my vision), while noobs like me
can utilize available source in any way imaginable to learn. School would be hell if there weren’t already solved problems and exercises to learn from. There are also small things like having 1mm wider host than driver and no BRD.

You can use anything you like, GitHub is just web interface to command line program, git itself.
You probably wouldn’t need to open GitHub web ever again after you have generated keys for
remote access. I have no real experiece, but making couple pull requests over the time from CLI
was quite intuitive (with some help of man pages).

You have summed it all up really nice. I’m 20 with plenty of time to learn, and everything I learn will be
of use at one point in life or another, plus I study Computer science so it’s closely related to my education.
But imagine having work completely unrelated to anything electronic, having bills to pay, kids and wife
threatening to kick you out if she sees just one more light emmiting thingie in your hands. I highly doubt
learning Eagle would be high on your bucket list.

I think you just did introduce the idea to the community. :slight_smile:

The repository currently uses Launchpad and bzr instead of Github and git. This is because LP/bzr are what I use for everything else, are widely regarded as more intuitive, and because nobody seemed to have a preference when I asked. They are mostly functionally equivalent for BLF purposes, though. LP has a lot more features than Github and git is more popular than bzr… but we’re not currently using most of the extra features. And I find git’s workflow style rather funky. But ignoring all the UI differences, the main functional difference in their core is that git has no concept of a mainline, and because of this it culturally encourages fast-forwards and rebasing and historical revisionism instead of explicit merges.

But git won the DVCS wars, and it’s the most popular by far, so it might be a good idea to switch if BLF people prefer it. Even Launchpad supports git now, though the support is still a bit beta quality.

Anyway, I’d love to include driver schematics and stuff. I don’t have any circuit design skills though, so I probably wouldn’t be a great curator when I don’t really understand what I’m looking at. And I’m not sure how the licensing on those works… and then there are all the other issues raised above. I’d prefer to include complete schematics though, despite the advice to start from scratch, because I don’t like to artificially limit anyone’s involvement or raise the barrier to entry.

I can’t really comment on git vs bzr since I haven’t used bzr apart from simple check outs, but as you said git won VCS war (or at least has only a couple of battles left). All the big boys seem to use it (it killed Google code!) and pretty much every open source project that cares about outside contributions. I just spent few minutes browsing your firmware repo and Launchpad seems completely unintuitive. On GitHub everything is easy to find, while on Launchpad even code is somewhat hidden. And social aspect is great. Last semester I had to translate some Ubuntu packages through Launchpad and it was pretty painful experience. With time you can become efficient in any software, but in my case it’s the first couple of uses that determine whether I will run it ever again (if there are other options, of course).

You say you might not be great curator, but that’s what I like the most about GitHub Organizations concept. You have a number of reputable members with full access for commiting code, while
others simply send their contributions for review and inclusion. Everything is simple and transparent. Licences are huge pita, but it should be requirement for authors to include one that requires sharing modifications of original works, while allowing people to use source for whatever they like (GPL?).

Bzr is pretty straightforward, especially if you ever used svn, but it might be a little weird from a git background. The first thing to know coming from git is that bzr encourages one directory per branch instead of checking out one at a time in a single shared directory. Then to compare things between branches, use the same regular filesystem-based tools as you’d use for anything else. There is no need to use a vcs-specific tool like one does with git.

The other main difference is it heavily encourages a feature branch workflow. Branch, hack, merge… instead of git’s typical branch, hack, rewrite history, fast-forward. This difference is illustrated in the article I linked earlier, including the commands used. If you’d like to get started, simply install bzr then run “bzr branch lp:flashlight-firmware”.

Finding a curator for circuit designs is a social problem, not a technical one. Is there anyone willing to maintain it, and to actively work toward building the repository? Would you?

As for github organizations, the equivalent in launchpad is groups or teams. Same concept, and it’s easy to set up… but it’s less necessary because Launchpad is organized around projects instead of users. It does a lot of “organization” stuff by default, so groups are only necessary if you want to add a mailing list or assign bugs to an entire team or give multiple people direct write access to trunk. Instead of having people write to trunk, it’s generally recommended to use a merge bot instead, which bases its actions on the results of the built-in code review system. And bugs are an artifact of projects, not users, so there is no need to set aside a special user or organization to act as the center of the branch network. It does the right thing by default.

Despite having quite a few big differences, the two sites are similar enough that either one would probably work fine for BLF purposes. If there is a community consensus to move, it can move. If not, moving would be a lot of effort for very little gain.

About licenses, it is the responsibility of the repository maintainers to respect the wishes of the code authors. Code cannot be added unless it has a compatible license, which is why most of DrJones’ work is not included. Beyond that, it’s mostly a social effort to reach out and ask for permission, and help people understand what the licenses do and why they’re worthwhile, since most people generally would rather not have to care. Adding a strict up-front requirement to use license X to get in the door seems counter-productive, and several large projects have found it slowed development and reduced participation. So I prefer to be as lenient about it as possible.

So, I think there are two open questions:

  • Does the code repository need to move to github? Yes, no, and/or don’t care?
  • Do we have a volunteer to build and maintain a driver circuit repository?

Since you are most comfortable with bazaar, it makes most sense to use Launchpad. But some sort of poll with everybody giving valid point is in order. I did some research and there are ways to push bzr code to git, so we could have GitHub mirror of Launchpad code. That way bzr stays main vcs, but whoever is more comfortable with git has an alternative. I’d hate to see someone wanting to contribute giving up just because of different vcs. And for people who don’t use any, they could just send me code and I’d push it giving proper credits and author info. I’m more than willing to set everything up, maybe I can’t (currently) contribute to code and hardware developement, but maintaining repo, indexing stuff and working out license issues seems perfectly fine. Wiki with info covering everthing that is in repo (driver characteristics, firmware versions, flashing equipment, dev environment, etc.) is imho needed and I would tackle that too. I wasn’t thinking to impose strict license requirements, just to work it out with contributors in whatever way. I think many projects without license show people in general don’t care about it much, so it shouldn’t be huge issue in big picture.

It’s awesome that you want to contribute and help the community. Could you start on gathering the driver info, writing a wiki, etc? It could either be sent as a merge request for the firmware repository, or you could start a new repository. Either one works, and they can be easily merged later if desired.

If you’re interested… There is also missing info in the firmware index/meta files, like the license type and info about whether LVP is implemented, plus more detailed descriptions of each project. The files are in rfc2822/email header format, or basically “Key: Value” pairs with optional continuation after newlines by indenting.

FWIW, git and bzr are so similar that they can directly use each other’s repositories as back ends. In Debian, the packages for this are called git-bzr and bzr-git. There’s also fastimport/fastexport for one-time full conversions between them. It’s quick and easy.

Also BTW, unrelated question… why do you have a bunch of extra line breaks in your posts? It breaks the browser’s text wrapping:

I will first gather everything I can offline and work on documentation, I’ll think about merge vs new repo later. Meta files and descriptions should get some love too.
New semester starts on Monday, so I won’t have much free time compared to now, but I will do my best to do everything I have planned. There should be progress over the next week.

About line breaks, I guess it’s just a bad habbit that I don’t even notice. I had to look twice at your SS to realise what’s wrong. It’s fixed now. :slight_smile:

BTW, if anyone wants to see what I’m doing with a tiny25 MCU (or try it), the code is here:

It’s mostly in a new project called “bistro”, for lack of a better word. It’s basically blf-a6 plus a few extras. Today’s main addition was volts+tenths for the battery indicator.

I've been working on and off (no pun intended Wink) on my enhanced version of e-switch, and after the bad ground fiasco, I ran into another frustrating issue, but I think finally this evening I fixed it, very happy now... SmileSmile Btw, the downloading is working like 100% reliable now - best it's ever worked, more reliable then I ever had with a 13A -- never seem to get a bad clip on. Amaz'n what a good ground will do...

TK - haven't had time to look at yours, sorry.

The problem I had was very intermittent, no apparent pattern that I could repeat it with, but it would flake out after switching from hi to OFF - sometimes it worked fine 10x in a row, then intermittently occur, sometimes resulting in a lock-up with the light ON or OFF - bazaar stuff. The changes that fixed it were:

  • eliminate possible redundant back to back output to the TCCR0A register to set PWM mode (FAST or PHASE)
  • clearing of the pressDuration variable in a couple more places, which seemed not necessary

I'm thinking the first fix in more explainable, though I'm not sure why. Then again, I've been testing for only a few minutes, doing all sorts of crazy things and can't reproduce it so far, doesn't mean it's truly fixed yet.

Enhanced features:

  • 8 mode sets to choose from, plus hi->lo option, plus mode memory
  • lock-out feature to disable possible inadvertent clicks (quick sequence of click-click-click&hold for 2 secs)
  • compile time option:

- for e-switch's with a tail power switch, mode settings available off the power switch

- or double blink for power-on (when using a tail lock-out, the blinks will occur to signal battery is connected)

Still need to add some things, but it's beyond a 25 now - needs a 45 or 85 to run.

FYI - my test light has been a SupFire M2-Z I bought from Richard for modding. Wow - what a deal. It's a perfect light for the lock-out feature: it has no tail switch and bare threads so impossible to lockout with unscrewing the tailcap. A 22 mm driver fits fine, has a nice threaded retainer ring, and a wired side switch mounted to the housing (stock driver is not needed. I used long LED wires so I could pop it out and re-program without much of a fuss, and could do basic testing with a battery wired direct to the driver and the driver wired in to the head, giving you full control with the side switch. I swapped the plastic reflector for an alum one (XP-R C8 style), and put in a XP-L V6 3D on a Noctigon - didn't worry bout bypassing springs yet.

I was gonna use a Crelant 7G2CS, but it turned out the driver shelf is way too wide and would interfere with components on the driver - I'd have to machine some material from the shelf (inside the pill) to fix it up. Might be easier to piggyback a driver, not sure yet.

These are the modes:

Mode Set Order

Mode Count

Mode Percentages





10=max 7135, 40=mixed




10=max 7135, 35=mixed




5=1/2 7135, 35=mixed



TK BLF A6 7 mode

moon plus 6 evenly spread



TK BLF A6 4 mode

no moon, 4 evenly spread




moon, max 7135, max FET




max 7135, max FET



full only

(full is always max FET, no 7135)

I like those mode sets. Looking forward to seeing this stuff included in a light somewhere that we can buy for a budget price. :wink:

Interesting. And cool. And sorry, I haven’t had time to try yours out either. :slight_smile:
(I don’t even have a tiny25 hooked up to an e-switch yet, though I at least have the parts)

What I’m making is a little different… the 8 mode groups are simply 1 to 8 total modes, all evenly-spaced. Separate option for whether there should be a moon mode, so it actually does N+1 modes if moon is enabled. This means the BLF A6 defaults would be group 6 plus moon, or group 4 without moon.

Basically, pick how many modes you want, choose whether to add moon, choose low-to-high or high-to-low mode order, choose whether the “medium press” does reversing or not, choose whether to enable mode memory, choose a maximum temperature… etc. I’m hoping it can cover almost everyone’s preferences. I’m also hoping the missing parts will fit into the ~600 bytes I have left on the attiny25. If not though, I can cut a couple of space-hungry optional extras.

With OTC, LVP and e-switch all on one pin and dual switch firmware like this. I can see some very creative and exciting firmware being used in further group buys.

This link is current source, current BAT files for fuses, etc.: - eSwitchBrownOut. Again, need to do further enhancements, but this is current state. ZIP file contains full 6.2 project - didn't update to Atmel Studio 7.0 yet. I'ts built for the 85 but should work for the 45 as well.

Update 10/08 eve:

Got in more improvements, bug fixes, and test hours (well, maybe minutes...).

  • Broke out moonlight mode as a separate config setting so it's more flexible, more mode set options, so now there are 64 combos total!
  • re-ordered the sets of modes so 1 click is a 1 mode set, 2 clicks a 2 mode set, 3 clicks a 3 mode set, etc. This is good up til 6 clicks, but 7 clicks is a different 3 mode set, and 8 clicks is a different 4 mode set
  • played with the timing of blinks and quick clicks for the lock-out setting and clearing - think it's easier now to do
  • Bug Fix: if the light is in mode 1, could not get into strobe -- fixed that now
  • expanded the stored config settings from one byte to two bytes. Wear leveling uses a 128 byte EPROM buffer, so it rotates around 64 times.
  • added a "Turbo timeout" setting to the config settings, so now there are 5 settings in config mode:
    1. mode sets of 1 to 8 sets (1 to 8 clicks)
    2. moonlight mode is toggled
    3. mode ordering is reversed
    4. mode memory is toggles
    5. turbo timeout, where: 1 click disabled it, 2=30 secs, 3=60 secs, 4=90 secs, 5=2 mins, 6=3 mins, 7=5 mins, 8=10 mins

Tried to make config mode easy to access, and easy to set values or skip values.

  • To enter config mode from OFF or ON, hold the button for 2 seconds (acknowledged by two slow blinks)
  • you are now in mode set selection, 1-8 clicks to choose your mode set or no click to skip
  • in 4 seconds with no clicks, the setting times out and two slow blinks indicate you are in the next setting (moonlight)
  • 1 click toggles moonlight enabled or disabled
  • again 4 seconds with no clicks, the setting times out and two slow blinks indicate you are in the next setting (mode ordering)
  • 1 click toggles the current mode ordering setting (lo->hi or hi->lo)
  • again 4 seconds with no clicks, the setting times out and two slow blinks indicate you are in the next setting (mode memory)
  • 1 click toggles the mode memory ON or OFF setting
  • again 4 seconds with no clicks, the setting times out and two slow blinks indicate you are in the next setting (turbo timeout)
  • 1 click turns OFF turbo timout, 2-8 clcisk chooses the time to use for turbo timeout (as listed above)
  • again 4 seconds with no clicks, the setting times out and three slow blinks indicate you are done, and back to normal mode of OFF

Did you still keep a version that fits on the 25? I foolishly only bought 25’s instead of larger models, but I’m looking for a good FW for my 7G3CS.

Ohhh - I'm up to bout 2500 bytes - blew past the 25... Still have the e-switch and brownout power switch support version which fits in a 25 though, just no config settings in the UI.

I’m going to have to order some 85V’s soon to try some of these firmware’s out. I’m still waiting form my 25’s to arrive.

That UI sounds great! And I like the way config works. Some will say it takes too much time. But really, how often will you config your flashlight? 8)

Ohhh - bout the time it takes... There's a shortcut built in. If you always wait for each setting to time out, yes, it would take at least 20 seconds (4secs x 5) to complete. But, instead of waiting if you click&hold, it skips to the next setting. So using the shortcut, it's pretty quick. I pretty much always use this shortcut now when I'm testing, and I've been doin lots of testing...

An issue with many firmware versions that support configuration, is the # of continuous fast clicks you have to do to get into configuration. With this, all you have to do is press and hold for 2 seconds, and you're in.

I was thinking of adding an "abort", so another words, if all you want to do is toggle moonlight mode, after you did moonlight toggle, you could bail out of configuration mode altogether, quickly. I think I can still do this with an extra long click&hold - it shouldn't interfere with anything and should be pretty quick, like 1 second or so, and is consistent with how this UI works (an extra long click in normal operation is strobe mode).

Also when you are in configuration settings, a click will always cause a blink, so you get feedback/acknowledgment that you did the click.

Biggest issue I can see with this is losing track of where you are -- in which one of the 5 settings. Originally was thinking of varying the blinks between settings, ex: entering setting #1: 1 blink, entering setting #2: 2 blinks, etc. I decided to just use 2 blinks for each setting entry because I thought the blink count itself would be hard for the user to count/track themselves, and also though one blink to start this doesn't feel right. I could of course use a different timed blink sequence to indicate you are entering configuration mode though, then do the 1 blink for the first setting - that would help.

There's lots of ways of doing all this of course...

Here's the latest doc/notes link:

This will eventually become the manual...

I spent a little time reading the manual tonight, and got temperature measurement working. I’m not 100% sure I’m doing it right, but at least it works. I get a value of 74 for room temperature and 82 after holding a hair dryer up to the driver for a while. Seems like a narrower spread than I expected, but it’s enough for my purposes.

Then I added thermal step-down (and step-up) to bistro.c. When the driver is heated, it’ll step down until the temperature is below the threshold. When the driver is colder, it will step back up until it either gets back to the original level or it gets too hot again. It currently has 64 steps in this thermal ramp.

I haven’t tested it in an actual light, but it works well with a hair dryer controlling the heat.

Let’s see… I also added a pseudo-random strobe, but it’s mostly just a proof of concept and the randomizer doesn’t seem very good because the ROM contents are less chaotic than I had hoped. And there are some other recent additions, like letting the user choose two or three levels of offtime (enable medium press?), and volts+tenths in battcheck mode.

The latest build is 1564 bytes, though some of that is extra junk which will probably be taken out later. I set 2048 as my limit so it will work on attiny25.