SkyRC MC3000 - finally?

For all intents and purposes, a few of us will need this, but a lot will want this, I, for one, want this….have we ever been satisfied with just one light, or charger, or knife that does not even get used, for that matter?

Even just for the pleasure of owing one, I’ll go for this.

Yeah, but most universal remotes are just too cheaply-made and very average quality compared to the OEMs, and, my post was not intended to be taken that seriously!

So what’s so special about this charger?

…universal remote control ??…is that remote control that controls the universe? :Sp

I'm worried about Judgement Day...

When will they become self-aware?

SkyRC is Skynet!


What makes this charger expensive is not what it can do, but how well it integrates all the features into a single easy to use high quality unit. It has been under real world testing for quite a time.

If I had to pick only one flashlight, one set of batteries and one charger, I would be sure which light and battery to grab (M43 and 30Q) but not the charger. I hope the MC3000 becomes that charger.

If i only had 1 light and less than a handful of batteries, I would never buy this charger. Way overkill.

If I had many (kind of) batteries and want to do reviews and making graphs to keep track of my cells, I would consider buying one. consider if it was around or below 100.

The plus does a good enough job for what people really need of a multi function charger.

Perhaps this is so to some individuals, but isn’t it ironic that to those of us with already multiple lights and batteries, chances are we also own multiple chargers, yet most probably find a way to “want” this charger?

How ironic it is but I would call it a sweet, pleasurable irony! haha

do i have to sign to some brotherhood to discover the mystery of that charger?

can someone enlighten me please?


Some highlight:

  • Advanced analyzing charger, supposed to be very precise.
  • Charging parameters user adjustable (Not only charge current, but ALL parameters).
  • Connection to PC
  • Connection to smartphone
  • Software can be updated

In my opinion it probably has to many settings, but it is possibly to bypass them.

does this mean that you are actually testing one already?

No, but I have been following Kreisl's writings.

With a touchscreen and GUI it would be interesting.

It will be interesting to see how well a smartphone handles that part.

Features aside, it will also be interesting to see how well it handles the most basic tasks of what a smart charger is supposed to do. I remain very skeptical. Thankfully, your detailed tests usually uncover a myriad of problems associated with several chargers.

You know some of the potential pitfalls:

  • High pulse voltage peaks
  • High termination voltage
  • High heat
  • Crappy charge algorithms
  • Inconsistent termination voltages/missed delta V
  • Inaccurate and/or inconsistent discharge capacity tests
  • High line noise
  • Inconsistent charging results that vary with the number of cells and/or size and chemistry being charged.
  • Several design defects in hardware and firmware that were overlooked during the manufacturers haste to rush a product to market before thoroughly beta testing it.

Even more disconcerting is the sociopathic troll who was permanently banned from BLF for preying on others, and is actually now allowed to spearhead this charger on the nazi forum. You’d think others would think twice about who they’d allow to represent their products. But lies, evasion and non disclosure of the full truth while attempting to rip off others has often remained a benchmark of Chinese sales tactics. :money_mouth_face: For those reasons, I doubt Id ever buy one of these chargers… but who knows.

Will you been offered to participate in the testing loop? I sure hope so! :slight_smile:

The guy you do not like is the main reason for all the settings on the charger, he has gotten just about everything anybody has ever talked about included as options.

I forgot to include one feature: Software can be updated.

Nobody has asked me about testing it yet.

Sounds like it’s not just the guy he does not like. Chinese sales tactics, the whole CPF Community. Wow.

I think it is funny that we are all talking and reading about this with great interest.

The one cell we all use and charge the most is the one in our cell phones. Yet we have NO interest in the charging rate, cutoff voltage, the actual capacity or anything else about any of it. We just plug it in at night and the next morning we are good to go. How many of us plug it in and go to bed and sleep soundly? Who would do that with any other cell - charger combo, not I. But I do with my phone.

This new charger could be called a “hobby” charger :wink: Charging our cells could become a hobby in and of itself.
Can’t wait for this one to come out :smiley:

On the other hand, it could just be Feeping Creaturism. :stuck_out_tongue: