ENDED! 3000 Posts - time for a giveaway!

I’ll stay out of this one but would like to congratulate you for the 3k posts. Thanks you for the great deals, and the very generous giveaway and wish that your employment situation may improve soon.

I see a hallway to my left :slight_smile:

Thanks for the opportunity!


3000 posts. :open_mouth:

That’s very generous of you to spend $100 on a giveaway! 0:)

Midnight in England, I’m in bed.

You can see my bedroom curtains.

Congrats on the 3K
On my left is the window and it’s raining outside.

Congratulations on your 3k posts. And thank you for the opportunity to join such a generous GAW.
I am sitting at the table with a sleeping miniature schnauzer on a pillow at my feet and on my right side a window overlooking (well, it’s night) my back garden.
On my left right now I see my dim lit livingroom and a couch with on it a sleeping standard schnauzer. Both are snoring softly, a very relaxing sound.

well i took a picture to my left using my EA11 at max bounced off the ceiling as a flashlight… but didn’t realize couldn’t upload directly to budgetlightforum… so description it is -

to my left
bunch of cheap 1xAA lights, some olights (just got S1 today. awesome!), EA11, peak eiger, lumintop, and bunch of li-on batteries alongside D2 charger.

i got my first order of li-ons last night, so have been playing with them.

My French bulldog and my S2 for ceil bouncing light…oh and a Xiaomi 10000mAh powerbank

As I look to the left , on the laptop screen I see a DX soul (DX.COM) ad and as I look to my hard left , a cabinet with x2 watches ,

x2 Maglites , some :beer: , several different types of liquor and wines that I no longer drink and other stuff sitting on top it.

At my left is an old XP laptop that I just fired up to update it’s security.

I’m in…when I look to the left, I see my 8 year old son playing Star Wars Battlefront on PS4.

When i look to the left all i can see is the wall, just white wall. Congratulations on you 3k.

I’m in, congrats to your 3k!
When I look to the left is my doorway.

Thanks for the giveaway, M4D M4X!

When I look left I see my Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Charlie.

Good dog!

on my left out the windshield, another motorhome, the shoreline and the Nanaimo River Estuary with a zillion birds :slight_smile:

I can see my roomdoor, bed and shelf (where I hide my treasures) on my left.

Congrats and thanks for doing such a nice giveaway!
Your deals are the best!

A coffee cup full of steaming hot goodness … :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on 3k posts. To my left is a green wall, and my daughter’s exersaucer

On my left is a thermometer. It’s 14 degrees Celsius; time for a hot mug of tea!

I can see my collection of flashlights sitting on the computer desk. Thanks for the opportunity!

Fat books on the right, mess on the left. I am basically surrounded by even more books and mess :smiley: thanks for the giveaway. Sorry to hear you are unemployed, aber wenn es mehr als genug Geld und Arbeitsstelle fuer tausende der unausgebildeten Fluechtlinge ohne Sprachkenntnisse in Osterreich gibt, (sorry, but that is sadly true for the entire EU. I am actually an immigrant as well at the moment, but I work, live and pay the bills by myself and I moved to my current country without relying on its generosity and social system) findest auch du bestimmt ohne Probleme einen neuen Job ! Ich druecke dir die Daumen!